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  1. #41
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    150? are you going for a record of how fast you can kill your liver?
    only running 6 weeks and I have liver support. I am not an irresponsible guy when it comes to this game and I am never excessive but I was able to get my hands on 50mg and I am popping one in morning, one before workout, and one in the evening. If it gets to be too much I will dial it back.

    I know lots of guys that run 100-150

  2. #42
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    My strength has improved pretty quickly too. I went up 4 reps on 275. Usually I die out around 4 but blasted out 8 this week when I did flat. I was shocked because I am not having any sides besides ridiculous pumps.

    I have been lucky because I have only ever had real negative sides from anadrol 50. I had to stop taking it after a couple of days and besides this oral cycle and one over the summer (which was 60 mg of var and a waste IMO) I havent touched oral since my anadrol which was 8 years ago.
    Last edited by Rwy; 01-17-2013 at 05:10 PM.

  3. #43
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    The Var I get is 50mg a cap. Its straight fire tho. The pumps on the stuff is so intense its almost unbearable!
    This is what I got. as per my buddy who got them for me it was from Precision labs.

  4. #44
    kingcali is offline New Member
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    ive ran var about 4 diff times by itself and loved every minute of it. stayed rock hard smashed like a pornstar for hours.. muscle gains where really nice and hard, got pretty cut on 60mgs a day split 20 in the moring and 40 at night.. i did lots of cardio also and really noticed some great results. far as strength gains ther wasnt a whole lot maybe 10-20 lbs on some stuff.

  5. #45
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingcali View Post
    ive ran var about 4 diff times by itself and loved every minute of it. stayed rock hard smashed like a pornstar for hours.. muscle gains where really nice and hard, got pretty cut on 60mgs a day split 20 in the moring and 40 at night.. i did lots of cardio also and really noticed some great results. far as strength gains ther wasnt a whole lot maybe 10-20 lbs on some stuff.
    Var itself is supposed to be good for cutting, if you were doing lots of cardio already then you might have been able to get that same cut without it. Obviously the very hard look is something it's known for though.

  6. #46
    bp2000 is offline Associate Member
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    var only at 60mg will give you hardness, increased vascularity and will not impact your HPTA significantly. Which means minimal supression. I did 70mg for 7 weeks with no noticeable supression meaning my balls stayed around the same size and never felt any depression, drop in libibio etc. in PCT. Actually felt like I didn't even need a PCT but did one anyway.

    If you are just looking to cut var only is great option. If you want mass var will not add much maybe 5-7lbs. max and slight increase in strength.

  7. #47
    binsser's Avatar
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    A good cut is what im looking for 60 mg for first use of var will be enough for me for now ill add prop to give it alittle push whats the time scale for var to start working about a week???

  8. #48
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    Var itself is supposed to be good for cutting, if you were doing lots of cardio already then you might have been able to get that same cut without it. Obviously the very hard look is something it's known for though.
    I siwtched my work out for this cycle. I have been lifting on and off for 14 years and usually did the basic body part a day. I switched to full body splits and then strength training for 30 minutes afterwards. Using the prowler sled. Going heavy 10 yards pushes and then light ten yard sprints. I had to force myself to take of yesterday bc I knew my body needed rest but I knew I could go hard again for the 4th day in a row

  9. #49
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    Cant wait to start i like what im hereing still getting not bad pumps though as im on my 10 week of hgh so think it starting to have alittle effect but with var and prop it gonna be mint lol stay in touch bud!!!

  10. #50
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I siwtched my work out for this cycle. I have been lifting on and off for 14 years and usually did the basic body part a day. I switched to full body splits and then strength training for 30 minutes afterwards. Using the prowler sled. Going heavy 10 yards pushes and then light ten yard sprints. I had to force myself to take of yesterday bc I knew my body needed rest but I knew I could go hard again for the 4th day in a row
    hardest part is likely keeping that low bf%, diet is key of course, but a shame you have to lose some of the gains once off of it.

  11. #51
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Anavar start changing me around day 3.

  12. #52
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Anavar start changing me around day 3.
    I love this stuff...

  13. #53
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    Lolol didnt think people liked it that much guess i was wrong lolol

  14. #54
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    Lolol didnt think people liked it that much guess i was wrong lolol
    I do not take it alone. I take it with Test E and Tren E. Just to be clear..

  15. #55
    binsser's Avatar
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    Mmm im doing it with prop BUT i have 20ml of tren ace lying around for 6 months i could use just dont know yet ill have to have a think about it!!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    Mmm im doing it with prop BUT i have 20ml of tren ace lying around for 6 months i could use just dont know yet ill have to have a think about it!!
    Be a man, do da right thing!

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