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  1. #1
    yeebrah7890 is offline New Member
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    18, 12 week cycle of Test- E

    thoughts? it's basic, simple. Not planning on cycling all the time. wanna try out a cycle. goals are to be pro.

  2. #2
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Brah... You're too young. You'll end up doing more damage then good. Ps: don't say Brah it makes you look like a moron.

    What are your full stats to start? You'll be able to reach most of your goals with diet and training alone.
    Last edited by Soar; 01-18-2013 at 10:06 PM.

  3. #3
    yeebrah7890 is offline New Member
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    started at 105 2 years ago. sitting at around 165 now. 8% bf.
    5'8 is/has been my height for a while.
    If it's just Test will it really cause that much damage?

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    At your age, yes it could. Very easily. With a good diet and hard training you should make great gains.

    You should understand that shutting yourself down right now isn't in your best interest.

  5. #5
    yeebrah7890 is offline New Member
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    Hmm.. Will go into deep thought. thanks guys.

  6. #6
    valkyrie's Avatar
    valkyrie is offline Female Member
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    Yeah look into it. You could still grow a bit more try this now and that possibility is just about zero. Just research tons its a big deal at your age. No one can drop you but I'm sure you want to be fully informed when you decide.

  7. #7
    1992mag is offline Junior Member
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    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.

  8. #8
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    1992mag has a point. There is a POSSIBILITY that you will recover just fine.

    I would not suggest it. It's not worth risking biweekly injections for the rest of your life, and possibly not being able to have children.
    Using AAS at a young age, generally before 24-25 can result in serious damage to the endocrine system as it is not yet fully developed until then.

    If you have stopped growing, try increasing your food intake. Don't be afraid to gain a little fat! It will always come off with a little bit of cardio.

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1992mag
    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.
    I would not recommend this approach at all. Taking any hormone derivative at 18 years of age carries significant risks of damaging your HTPA

    HTPA = hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

    It refers to the set of biological structures that make up your neuroendocrine system. Your endocrine system controls reactions to stress and regulates many essential functions including digestion/appetite, immunity, mood, memory, sex drive and sleep/energy storage/expenditure.

    Taking steroids will interrupt many of these natural processes and at a young age, you run the risk of causing permanent changes or damage to your HTPA which means you could have long term deficits to one or more of the functions regulated by your HTPA.

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Very bad ideal at that age man. Not worth the risk just to gain muscle and be bigger.

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1992mag View Post
    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.
    This isnt the kind of advice we offer here! We try to steer young guys in the right direction 1st.Yes Arnold started young and he a d his x wife had a lot of problems having a baby.He had to go to a Endo to get things fixed.And he was lucky to do so.And he spend thousands of dollars for this.

  12. #12
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    YOU TOOK 60 POUNDS IN 2 YEARS!!! And you want to use AAS... WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!

    Damn, you are already overdosed in testosterone in your body and you are willing to ****ed that up!! Damn you grow like a ****ing monster already just keep going...
    You don't know how much I would pay to have your genetic potentiel... My testosterone is ****ing low and I only took 30-35 pounds in 4 years and 13% bf... and I'm twenty.
    You took 60 pounds in 2 years... Lets compare that to the use of aas.

    You took about 30lbs/years
    In a good first cycle we can expect 15lbs of lbm.
    a cycle last about 4 month.
    4month rest between cycle. (we are to 8 month there)
    another cycle(another 15 lbs) (we reach 1 years of aas)

    Guess what!!! You took 30lbs the first years with aas.
    Guess what!!! You already take 30lbs a years.

    Enjoy your growth buddy. You don't need any aas! Just keep eating!
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 01-19-2013 at 10:13 AM.

  13. #13
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1992mag
    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.
    DO NOT listen to this advice
    He does not know he or the other people mention are "fine" he is not their personal physician he does not know the long term effects on their bodies or his own.

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1992mag View Post
    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.
    That's a real douche bag move trying to undermine everyone like that. I would love to see a recent copy of your blood work so I could embarrass you with don't know half of what you think you do, just cause you think you're fine doesn't mean you are..............

  15. #15
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    YOU TOOK 60 POUNDS IN 2 YEARS!!! And you want to use AAS... WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!

    Damn, you are already overdosed in testosterone in your body and you are willing to ****ed that up!! Damn you grow like a ****ing monster already just keep going...
    You don't know how much I would pay to have your genetic potentiel... My testosterone is ****ing low and I only took 30-35 pounds in 4 years and 13% bf... and I'm twenty.
    You took 60 pounds in 2 years... Lets compare that to the use of aas.

    You took about 30lbs/years
    In a good first cycle we can expect 15lbs of lbm.
    a cycle last about 4 month.
    4month rest between cycle. (we are to 8 month there)
    another cycle(another 15 lbs) (we reach 1 years of aas)

    Guess what!!! You took 30lbs the first years with aas.
    Guess what!!! You already take 30lbs a years.

    Enjoy your growth buddy. You don't need any aas! Just keep eating!
    Excellent post.

  16. #16
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    That's a real douche bag move trying to undermine everyone like that. I would love to see a recent copy of your blood work so I could embarrass you with don't know half of what you think you do, just cause you think you're fine doesn't mean you are..............
    So true. Just because these young guys cycle in thier teens and they think they are recovered from it, they dont realize that the effects of shutting down the HPTA system at an early age usually shows up don the road. Sure, they might get back to normal, they might not. But I guarantee anyone that when the cards are on the table, they are not, or will not be where they need to be. My cousin did a Test E cycle for 16 weeks at 17 years old. Got married, had a couple of kids. Now on TRT at 23. He didnt know the risks, but I can almost guarantee that the use of that one cycle had something to do with this. TRT at 23 years old dont just happen for nothing.

  17. #17
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1992mag View Post
    you should be fine. depends what your goals are and how bad you want it and are you willing to do whatever it takes. Jeff Seid started juicing at 17, Arnold started very young, Ryan Hughes started at 20, I did my first ph at 19, AAS at 20. But just because them and I ended up fine (Well I was fine after my first PH, we'll see how this test cycle goes) doesnt mean you will everyones different. But you should. Unless youre just really unlucky.

    Just curious as if you ever talked to someone who started that young? Most people like yourself who say "you will be ok" are wrong. Sure "right here and now maybe" but the LONG TERM EFFECT is what catches you.

    P.S if you dont have a clue what youre talking about, its best you keep your thoughts to yourself. Playing with someones health isnt funny or cool.

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