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  1. #1
    J29 is offline New Member
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    My First Cycle - Six Weeks


    I am a 160lbs 5'10'' 19 year old. Looking for a bit of advice for my first cycle.
    Here's the cycle I made. Here's where I was looking to buy from (is it credible?) Canadian Performance Labs
    Six week cycle (42 days)
    250mg of testenan per day
    20mg of anav(oxydro) per day
    25mg of winny per day

    Unsure about stacking anav(oxydro) and winny, what do you guys think? Should I replace it with trenanan? Should I remove it and just use the test and anav(oxydro)? Should I keep all these and add trenenan?

    Extra info : I diet very well. I work out a lot, try to more than once a day. Am currently very fit with very low body fat % (pretty sure around 9%). Am a track runner, 100m and 200m dash. This is my pre season cycle.

    Thanks for any help you can offer!

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Welcome to the forum J29.

    What do you know about the Endocrine & HPTA systems?

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    By the way, you're in for a community tongue lashing for that ridiculously insane Test. dose considering this is to be your first

  4. #4
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Oh my. Bad ideal on everything.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    First of all, You are young, you could damage your endocrine system and have a shit load of problem(Like no more erection and no more libido!). You should read about the danger of aas at young age because being in front of a beautiful girl willing to **** and you can't get hard is not an awesome feeling...
    This said.

    That cycle is horrible... And by that I mean very horrible.

    1: Too short
    2: DOSE!?!?
    3: Mutiple compound
    4: poor choice of compound
    5: no ai/hcg /Pct

    1: test enanthat is a long esther so if you want to run that you should at least take 10 week(12 for maximum result). (if you are short in time test prop can be done is 8 week(but its 1pin E2D))
    2: 250mg test daily... WTF. 500mg/week will be a good start...(2 pin a week)
    3: If you want to shred, winny and var could be not so bad. But 25mg var is too low and if you are a sprinter winstrol side effect on the articulation could change your mind.) If you want to cut you can add var the last 6 week of your enanthate cycle at about 50mg-100mg/day. And if you want to bulk var is still an great product(IMO). If you doing propionate I don't advice using var because you need to know how you react with test only before adding anything else.(on enanthate it's less of a problem cause you still have 6 weeks of test only)
    4: Winstrol is only to shred fat. 9% I dont think you need it. IMHO
    5: You should add arimidex to your cycle, HCG and a amazing PCT (Because if you planning to cycle at 19 you need a solid pct or big problem will occur.(and even with pct it can still occur so be carefull)

    Research Ai/HCG/PCT on search bar. And be patient... wait some years before using aas for your own sake.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 01-19-2013 at 10:48 AM.

  6. #6
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Please dont do this. 2 Orals is not good no matter the age unless you really know what you are doing. Even then, it is ill advised. No way in hell you should be thinking AAS at your stats. You need to go to your closest nutrition store and take supplements. You stats prove that you will put on massive amounts of mass in a very short time when you get to training regularly and dial in your diet. You are very light, so the mass will come quick. I would recommend a good micronized creatine monohydrate, a strong pre workout, isolated or hydrolyzed protien powder, and glutamine and a good source of BCAAs. Eat like a man and train like a champ. You should easily put on 15-20 lbs this year of LBM if you have everything dialed in. And at the doses you have asked about, you would be better off not running anything than what you have proposed. You are putting yourself at risk for almost no gains at all. The compounds you chose are not something you would even want to take at your height and weight, plus the doses are way off, unless you are female. I guarantee you that if you use the supplements I just listed, you will get BETTER results and be much safer long term. Good luck!

  7. #7
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post

    and if you are a sprinter winstrol side effect on the articulation could change your mind

    Winstrol is only to shred fat. 9% I dont think you need it. IMHO
    While I agree he is too young, thes 2 statements are not true. Sure, winstrol can cause joint discomfort, but it is also a preferred drug for athletes of all sports. Running, Baseball, Baskeball, Football, Biking, etc.
    Winstrol is notonly to shred fat. Alot of people who are unfamiliar with the compound or have never used it have this misconception alot. Winstrol is very powerful and can successfully be used to help during a bulk. It is by far my personal favorite compound and I have used it during bulks or just for increased strength and aggression at the gym. It is very harsh on liver values and cholesterol. So for those very reasons, I only "pulse" it and not run a duration with it. 2 weeks on, 2 off. It can be one of the most beneficial compounds used during a bulk because it can increase your total weight lifting dramatically, while still helping to reduce water retention. Basically it helps with the bloat that a bulk can sometime cause. I used winstrol for my very first cycle along side of my TRT, and I gained 15lbs in 2 months of use. Of course this was mostly diet, but the added weight I could lift from the winstrol did play a huge role. Winstrol is one of those compounds alot of people like to bash because they dont see or feel drastic changes like they would on NPP or Tren , but the fact is, if used as a purpose and not as "just something extra to throw in", people would be out buying this stuff up because you can literally do anything with it (recomp wise). When my lipids normalize and I have good BW come back, winstrol will be the first thing I reach for. I understand it, we have a special bond. Nothing better than to be curling 50lbs one week, then the next 75. Whewwwww...... I am smiling just thinking about it!

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Please read this before considering cycling

  9. #9
    J29 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    You stats prove that you will put on massive amounts of mass in a very short time
    I'm a sprinter and don't want to put on massive amounts of mass in a short time.

    To everyone who replied so far thanks for the advice. I understand that I'm young. I do know the dangers taking both orals can have on the hepatic system. That's exactly why I wanted your advice and I misunderstood testenan doses when I posted this. I meant 250mgs per week.

    What do you guys think of 250mgs of testenan per week for 14 weeks and for the last 4 taking 80mgs of anavar a day aswell. I do not think this would hurt my body in an irreversable way. I'm a serious competitor and want to step it up in the gym and on the track. Do you guys think I should use anti estrogens after this cycle?

  10. #10
    J29 is offline New Member
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    I read it before posting.

  11. #11
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Sprinting and anavar wont mix well.

    As stated at your age you are doing way more harm then good.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 01-19-2013 at 11:55 AM.

  12. #12
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    if u spend 2 hours here you will know that this cycle is shit!!!!
    and you are 19 . why the hell you want steroids ?it will mess up your whole life!

  13. #13
    J29 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    if u spend 2 hours here you will know that this cycle is shit!!!!
    and you are 19 . why the hell you want steroids ?it will mess up your whole life!
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.

  14. #14
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    250 EW is not much more than you are producing natty at your age. This is just shutting down your endocrine system for no good reason!

  15. #15
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J29 View Post
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.
    Can you post your typical weight gaining daily diet, including macro's for us to have a look at please?

  16. #16
    J29 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    if u spend 2 hours here you will know that this cycle is shit!!!!
    and you are 19 . why the hell you want steroids ?it will mess up your whole life!
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.

  17. #17
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J29 View Post
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.
    Here is the deal. This board is all about giving safe advice because all of us care about the members here. No one is going to give you good cycle advice for someone your age because we all feel like there are to many risks involved. If you choose to listen to what some of the members have already stated you could make some great gains by hitting up the nutrition forum. Good luck

  18. #18
    ElectraMaddox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by J29 View Post
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.
    That statement you just made shows you're not open to advise... So why ask? As for what other people do or did doesn't make it good for you. If his body is messed up from it he's rich enough to get it taken care of. If you mess you're body up do you have the money to fix it? Prob not. They are giving you good advise, you just don't like what you are being told.

  19. #19
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J29 View Post
    Stop telling me I'm too young. Look at 7xMr. Olympia Arnold. He started using aas' when he was 15-16! I've researched and testenan and anivar are fairly safe. If you think the cycle is shit. That's why I'm here, tell me what you think a better cycle is than? Please.
    every member here who has been a member for a while KNEW that this would be your next comment. look at arnold !!!
    first they used to say arnold started 18 . then 16 and some say 14....cmon MAN.. you are young. you are lazy . if you want to follow arnold then eat like him and train as hard as he is.. you still have long time before actually starting cycling..
    you wanna hurt your self ? go ahead read stickies and do a cycle. then in 3 months i promise you will come back crying about WHY CANT I GET MY DICK UP. help me plz !!!
    good luck

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Can you post your typical weight gaining daily diet, including macro's for us to have a look at please?
    Yep good idea SteM... lets see his " Arnold Like diet"

  21. #21
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    LOL ill say it now. Look at Arnold now and what happened to his body. Got lucky to have kids, major heart issues, ect.

    So yes PLEASE LOOK AT HIM. Hes damn near terminated.

  22. #22
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    LOL ill say it now. Look at Arnold now and what happened to his body. Got lucky to have kids, major heart issues, ect.

    So yes PLEASE LOOK AT HIM. Hes damn near terminated.
    LOL You just read my mind!!!

  23. #23
    Soar's Avatar
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    Lol I don't know why these guys come here for advice then try to school the guy who are experienced and trying to help them.

  24. #24
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    250 EW is not much more than you are producing natty at your age. This is just shutting down your endocrine system for no good reason!
    He never said he was gonna use 250 mg every week.......................................he said 250 mg EVERY other words, 1,750 mg/wk for this first timer...........................on top of everything else he wants to use with it.

  25. #25
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79

    He never said he was gonna use 250 mg every week.......................................he said 250 mg EVERY other words, 1,750 mg/wk for this first timer...........................on top of everything else he wants to use with it.
    In fairness Bear, he did clarify in a later post that he meant EW. Either way it would be too much or not enough.

  26. #26
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Damn I missed that...........sorry.

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