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  1. #1
    Pickup45 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Running Letro or Nolva with Test 250?

    I've been doing some research for a pretty long time now. Gonna start a cycle here soon with Test 250. I currently have gyno. (For sure, not to bad of fatty tissue but the gland is about a quarter size)I have had it for maybe a month max, just now noticed it and how big its getting.

    I need some advice.

    I have been doing so much research lately on reversing gyno and how to help it and everything that it makes it so hard to know what I should run with my Test 250.

    I was thinking about running nolvadex during my cycle of Test and seeing if that helps the gyno, then keep running it for my PCT but add in Clomid. I have heard from so many different people that nolvadex will help gyno then other people say it will not help gyno.

    I also heard that letro will reverse the gyno easily. (I would like for that to be my last resort.)
    And if I were to use letro, would I run in with my test? or run it in my PCT?

    If I were to run Nolvadex with my Test 250...would that help the gyno and is it early enough for my gyno to subside? I have read probably about 100 different articles and threads about this(no exaggeration) and they all pretty much collide with each other.

    Stats: PR's
    Weight 200 Bench 385
    Height 6,0 Squat 405
    BF% 10 Dead lift 465

    Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks.

  2. #2
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
    ROBOCOP is offline Member
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    South West. England
    Mate. Gonna need more information. Is the gyno a result of AS use? How old are you? Cycle history, if any? The more info you can give the better responses you will get mate

  3. #3
    Pickup45 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Alright sorry, I'm 26 and This will be the first cycle of AS. I have previously used Prohormones, I used Muscle fortress Methyl Mag And Methyl V. Did not notice the Gyno till about two months after the Methyl Mag Cycle, I did use a PCT (AHD from bpi) So i'm not 100% sure if the gyno is from the Methyl Mag.

    If any other info needed I'll be glad to give.

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