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  1. #1
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010

    HGH and Test Q's

    Alright lets start out with these stupid ****in stats which I have written a bunch of times...

    27 YO
    195 lbs
    BF Unknown at this point but its pretty effin low
    About 15 cycles usually consisting of Test and test and a little more test with the occasional Winstrol

    My Q is for the HGH users since I have NO personal experience with GH... Now I know I could probably search through the forum and find an answer to this if I had hours to spend doing so but I don't at this moment so my question is in relation to the effects of GH on the period following AAS cycle... Does it effect how much of your gains are kept?... I have read a few dozen times how it helps you keep from getting the "low" sometimes felt after an AAS cycle, does anyone have personal experience that would like to touch on that?... Also describe your personal experience with the period following your GH run

    Considering purchasing some GH but to be honest after reading a million threads it almost doesn't seem worth it... Its not a money issue Im down to spend the money... I'm just not real interested in putting anything in my body that I feel could negatively effect my body's naturalnessicity (scientific term) unless I feel like the bennies are worth the risk... Anyone with actual PERSONAL GH experience feel free to tell me your thoughts

  2. #2
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Jun 2012
    15 cycles at 27 years old! 5'10 and 195lbs! Do I need to put my glasses on, or take some nitroglycerin?
    EDIT- Do you think the GH is legit? I wouldnt get it from your last source. But GH can work synergistically with a cycle of AAS. It burns fat really well too.
    Last edited by warmouth; 02-01-2013 at 12:37 AM.

  3. #3
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    Yeah I didnt have these forums when I started kiddo... Probably was too dumb to listen anyway and for any younger people reading DONT DO IT... I will be needing TRT at some point... Anyway any productive advice on that?

  4. #4
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HGH makes a difference, no doubt in that. And yes, it can help in between cycles. Is it worth the money? If your product isn't crap and you can run it for a long time then sure. Other than that I'm not sure what you're looking for in an answer.

  5. #5
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    I guess I'm just looking for feedback... How is it when you come off the GH itself?... Does it keep you from feeling low in addition to improving the amount of gains you retain?... I'm making the assumption that you have obviously done it... Do you continue to do it?... If so then what benefits have you seen that made you decide that it was worth spending that kind of money on continually?... Again money isn't a factor... I could run it for the rest of my life if I wanted but it is a lot of money so I'd love to hear what benefits cause a user to purchase it repeatedly... General feedback... I have definitely damaged my own test production and Im fine with that, though I wouldn't suggest it, and no matter what anyone on here says I will always be CAUTIOUS about introducing foreign things into my body because of it... I'm obviously leant toward going ahead on it but I would still love to hear more feedback from people with personal experience

    I think I'm attempting to start a discussion more than anything... Sometimes when you read the posts of others questions come up and I dont feel like bumping 4 year old posts to ask questions in relation to answers

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