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  1. #1
    Fraser1994 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    I'm 19 years old and ran Tren/Deca/Prop/Dbol for 12 weeks! PLEASE READ I'm SHUT DOWN

    Hi, sorry for the misleading title but I hope most of the people my age read this and take some time to read what I have to say, as most of you have seen I've been posting threads about me preparing for my first cycle, most of you have recommended me to wait for a couple more years and study up on the subject of anabolic steroids and I've choose to do so!

    As most of you know, we australian's have a hard time getting things through our strict customs, I'm not willing to do a cycle without the proper SERM's and HCG . So I'm going to wait a while and further study the subject of anabolic steroids and the effects on the human body, there are to many risks at my age that I'm not willing to take, such as possible permanent shut down of the HPTA and possible need of TRT in my late 20's.

    It's just to much for me and for what 10-15 pounds of mass that I can achieve naturally before needing the use of anabolic steroids, come on guys!
    I've talked to many people about the use of anabolic steroids, if I need it and why I should use it and most people say "Wait till you actually need it"
    At the age of 19 most of us have that much testosterone within our body that we can put 10-15-20 pounds of lean mass on before were 25, hell when I started bodybuilding at the age of 17 I was 59kg, I'm now 19 and I weight 81kg and I'm pretty damn lean, it can be done without the use of AAS! with proper dieting and training and of course SLEEP!

    Now I'm not bashing anyone that has used AAS at my age, that's you're choice and if you have recovered properly then congratz to you!
    but for those of us that have not used them and are considering it, don't bother! it's very expensive and you need to have a good 5-8 years of training and proper nutrition under your belt before you even consider the use of AAS!

    Thank you for reading and I know my information might not be completely right, after all I've only been on here for about 2 months but think real hard if you want to do a cycle before the age of 25!

    Last edited by Fraser1994; 02-01-2013 at 12:54 AM.

  2. #2
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    Victoria, Australia
    Why use a misleading title?

    Its not really fair

  3. #3
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by manmanman View Post
    Why use a misleading title?

    Its not really fair
    This. Not necessary

  4. #4
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    Im not being agressive about it, but i opened the thread to see how the mentioned cycle affected the youth in the title, sure it would only take a couple seconds to click back but i hope you get what im trying to say

    As i understanr what you were saying, which was well said but ultimately better suited a different title

  5. #5
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Heck, Ive just been reading the OPs started threads he has posted. After reading this, I am scratching my head.

  6. #6
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    I don't know why the misleading title is necessary but this is something being preached through and through on this forum and all others I have been a part of... You have made a good decision... At 27 I need TRT... I definitely don't and don't believe that anyone else on here suggests anyone under 25 uses AAS... If having a limp dick at 27 sounds like a good time by all means knock yourself out but we all strongly recommend you think otherwise

  7. #7
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    Victoria, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth
    Heck, Ive just been reading the OPs started threads he has posted. After reading this, I am scratching my head.
    Thanks for the journey

  8. #8
    jsanman is offline Associate Member
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    this is misleading

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    Why the unrelated title???? Typical 19 year old's behavior LOL

  10. #10
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    cool ... you saved your self, good for u

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