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Thread: 1st cycle. Test E

  1. #1
    Lazzy81 is offline New Member
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    1st cycle. Test E

    Hey been reading and reading so here goes

    On my 1st cycle of test E 300. Right now I'm injecting once per week on Sunday. Thinking about doing this for 4 weeks then increasing to twice a week, depending on how my body reacts. Just ordered aromisin as a liquid oral. So, will start as soon as I get it.
    My stats
    6'2 235lbs 18%bf my diet is decent and I workout a lot

  2. #2
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Do your injections twice a week regardless of how much test E you are if you want to do 300mg a week, split that into two 150mg shots...then after 4 weeks if you want to do 600mg a week, do the 300mg twice weekly.

  3. #3
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Your body is going to have very mild reactions if any after just four weeks with Test E... People are probably gonna suggest 500 MG/week but if you feel as though staying at 300 will set your mind at ease and would like to wait to see how you're effected then it will probably take more like 6 weeks to get a real answer on that although you will probably notice some changes after 4... Hunger and a raging hard on for instance... Two shots a week is suppose to be smoother but I have used test of every kind and I can say that as far as how I feel goes it doesn't matter though if I were to get blood work throughout it would probably show some slight alterations when comparing once a week to twice a week

  4. #4
    Lazzy81 is offline New Member
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    Think the reason I wanted to really do this is to get a base going. But if I'm just wasting my time then I can bump it up

  5. #5
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Its not that you're wasting your time exactly... You will have gains at that but you will also shut yourself down while you're on cycle so make sure you're gaining enough to warrant that... I can tell you that my first injectable cycle was Test E @ 500/week and I responded really well... I was a beast... The effects of AAS are going to be noticed haha NOTICED... What do you have for PCT? How old are you?... Just curious and dont worry Im not the god damn cycle police ... Just want to make sure I can give you the best advice for your situation

  6. #6
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lazzy81 View Post
    Hey been reading and reading so here goes

    On my 1st cycle of test E 300. Right now I'm injecting once per week on Sunday. Thinking about doing this for 4 weeks then increasing to twice a week, depending on how my body reacts. Just ordered aromisin as a liquid oral. So, will start as soon as I get it.
    My stats
    6'2 235lbs 18%bf my diet is decent and I workout a lot
    Shoot at least twice a week. I would increase the dosage to 500mg. Get on that AI as soon as possible, 12.5mg EOD.

  7. #7
    Lazzy81 is offline New Member
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    I'm gonna be 32 in march,

    After 12 weeks I'm gonna take clo and nova

  8. #8
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-56 View Post
    Shoot at least twice a week. I would increase the dosage to 500mg. Get on that AI as soon as possible, 12.5mg EOD.
    Twice per week for sure. However I wouldnt take a recommendation of 12.5 mg eod without knowing what AI you are using. Running a cycle at 18% bf has higher side effect risks as well.

  9. #9
    Lazzy81 is offline New Member
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    Taking exemestane or aromasin . So thinking that as soon as that comes in I will start eod. Been having issues losing this excess bf. increasing my cardio and cutting out tons of sugar and un needed condiments ie BBQ. This is primarily why I wanted to get on a cycle. Not really trying to get big just want to get more muscular

  10. #10
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    300mg is a good starting dose for a 1st .you will see results. swifto has a thread (grow into your dose) look it up. 300mg test e was my 1st
    Afreak likes this.

  11. #11
    Lazzy81 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input. I'm just gonna see how it goes and how I feel

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