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  1. #1
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Bulk Cycle - Planning for March

    I am planning on running a bulk cycle come mid March and I wanted to get some feedback from you guys.

    26 years old
    5' 10"
    215lbs (BF: 12-13%)
    Cycle history: 4 cycles (test e/c, tren , deca , dbol , winny)
    Been training for a solid 2+ years and diet is in check.

    So I am looking to run a heavy bulking cycle for 15 weeks (less than 15 if I run tren). I have ran tren in the past with great results. I don't get too many sides with tren other than just feeling lethargic as hell halfway through the day.

    I ran a test/deca cycle about 1.5 years ago and I loved it. I am trying to decide right now if I want to run a test/dbol/deca cycle or a test/dbol/tren cycle.

    Proposed cycle 1)
    Test E or C: 750mg to 1000mg (weeks 1-15)
    dbol: 50mg/ED (weeks 1-6)
    Deca: 600mg/week (weeks 1-15)

    Proposed cycle 2)
    Test E or C: 750mg (weeks 1-12)
    dbol: 50mg/ED (weeks 1-6)
    Tren: 100mg ED (weeks 1-8 (maybe 10 depending on bp/other sides))

    Note: will be running HCG at 250iu 2x week, ldex: .25-.5mg EOD, prami on hand just in case I have estro problems.

    The overall goal is to add as much mass as possible. I'm curious as to what some of you guys would run?

  2. #2
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806
    I am planning on running a bulk cycle come mid March and I wanted to get some feedback from you guys.

    26 years old
    5' 10"
    215lbs (BF: 12-13%)
    Cycle history: 4 cycles (test e/c, tren , deca , dbol , winny)
    Been training for a solid 2+ years and diet is in check.

    So I am looking to run a heavy bulking cycle for 15 weeks (less than 15 if I run tren). I have ran tren in the past with great results. I don't get too many sides with tren other than just feeling lethargic as hell halfway through the day.

    I ran a test/deca cycle about 1.5 years ago and I loved it. I am trying to decide right now if I want to run a test/dbol/deca cycle or a test/dbol/tren cycle.

    Proposed cycle 1)
    Test E or C: 750mg to 1000mg (weeks 1-15)
    dbol: 50mg/ED (weeks 1-6)
    Deca: 600mg/week (weeks 1-15)

    Proposed cycle 2)
    Test E or C: 750mg (weeks 1-12)
    dbol: 50mg/ED (weeks 1-6)
    Tren: 100mg ED (weeks 1-8 (maybe 10 depending on bp/other sides))

    Note: will be running HCG at 250iu 2x week, ldex: .25-.5mg EOD, prami on hand just in case I have estro problems.

    The overall goal is to add as much mass as possible. I'm curious as to what some of you guys would run?
    I would run proposed 2 if I was ready to. However I may choose to sub the d-Bol for t-Bol. I'm on tbol now and it's amazing. I'm getting quality hard gains and no water and no estrogen because tbol does not convert so no need to increase AI... It's a beautiful thing IMO because I can add a lot of it and have little to no sides besides extreme pumps and a little gas - which both subside within a few weeks

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Looks good. Either should get you what your looking for. No Tren equals less sides, so weigh out the extras youve gotten on tren to see if its worth it.

    Wouldnt was my money running 1000mg of test ( if its real, 500 to 600 should be fine 750 not out of the question) I can tell you as a TRT guy, I have run 1000 mg of UGL test before and havent gotten the results as 400mg of my script test..... just my 2 cents

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Have you tried running lower dose test with tren . 750mg test with a tren cycle is a waste IMO and just lloking for issues from estrogen! Otherwise no question tren over deca for me!

  5. #5
    JWP806's Avatar
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    I haven't tried t-bol before but I will check it out.

    I know that tren is more powerful than Deca but I was hoping to get away from tren for this cycle. Obviously I will be holding more water if I run deca and my gains wont be as lean.

    Lunk, I've never ran test over 500mg/week yet. Both of my previous cycle was tren at 100mg ED and 500mg test E/week. What is your typical test:tren ratio? I've thought about running 200mg test/week and then running tren at 100mg ED. If I choose to run tren, I would try running 200mg test and 700mg tren/week.

    My main question is how comparable the gains from each of the proposed cycle would be? I like tren a lot but would like to maybe get away from it for this cycle if I can get similar mass gains from good old deca.

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I haven't tried t-bol before but I will check it out.

    I know that tren is more powerful than Deca but I was hoping to get away from tren for this cycle. Obviously I will be holding more water if I run deca and my gains wont be as lean.

    Lunk, I've never ran test over 500mg/week yet. Both of my previous cycle was tren at 100mg ED and 500mg test E/week. What is your typical test:tren ratio? I've thought about running 200mg test/week and then running tren at 100mg ED. If I choose to run tren, I would try running 200mg test and 700mg tren/week.

    My main question is how comparable the gains from each of the proposed cycle would be? I like tren a lot but would like to maybe get away from it for this cycle if I can get similar mass gains from good old deca.
    Well....bottom ine is nothing stacks up to tren. I ran 700mg for a while on this last cycle and doubt I will go that high again. 500 will likely be my cut off from now on. I ran 250mg test throughout...has nothing to do with a ratio...just enough test to function and 250mg is even more than is necessary!

    I hear ya on getting away from Tren and my cycle for the upcoming comp in the lounge will not include it for the first time in a long time...I need a tren break lol!

    Deca will give you great results...I never take anything away from it but fact is it wont give you apples to apples results of tren! If you go Deca you can avoid bloat by E2 control, and diet! I would also consider trying deca with a low dose test...some are having great results with less sides even thougfh it's not the old school protocal!

  7. #7
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I would even try the Deca higher than the test. Like Lunk said, you can prevent alot of side effects and feel awesome. I am on 125mgs of test and 450mgs of Deca right now and cant even tell I am on anything, as far as sides go. Sleeping great, feeling great, libido is higher than it has ever been, being very loving to my wife. It is by far the best cycle I have ran yet, as far as overall feeling.
    I do know that for next time, I will keep the test @ 125mgs, and go to 600 or more of the Deca. Since you like Deca, and if you handle it well, if you decide to go that route, you might even be able to go higher on it. That would be your call. I personally had planned on 450mgs, and have stuck to my plan and not upped the dose because I feel a person should stick to their original plan on compounds that they havent tried before. I figured that since everything is going perfect, why risk it. Next time, Ill know how to judge what the compound is doind, so I could adjust mid-cycle if I wanted too.
    But I am telling you, low test/higher 19-nor = great success and the sides are non-existant! BP is normal as well, which is a biggy for me.

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    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Also, I agree with Lunk that deca wont give you results like the tren will. I havent ran tren yet, but it is favored by 99% of members here for a reason.

  9. #9
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Thanks for all of the feedback guys. Great info as always. I have decided that I am for sure getting away from tren on this cycle.

    I think I am going to bump the deca to 800mg/wk and drop the test down to 250mg/wk (maybe less). Thoughts?

  10. #10
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Thanks for all of the feedback guys. Great info as always. I have decided that I am for sure getting away from tren on this cycle.

    I think I am going to bump the deca to 800mg/wk and drop the test down to 250mg/wk (maybe less). Thoughts?
    Sounds good. You'll still need to control estrogen going that high with test.

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Here is what I would give a go.

    600mg EW deca 1-14
    150mg Test E 1-12
    Keep and AI on hand and moniter for E2 related sides (prefer aromasin )
    USE prami or Caber (prefer Caber)

    I notice you keep wanting to bump dosages with each post and it isn't more than likely necessary, unless you are an over natty limit kinda guy??

  12. #12
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Here is what I would give a go.

    600mg EW deca 1-14
    150mg Test E 1-12
    Keep and AI on hand and moniter for E2 related sides (prefer aromasin )
    USE prami or Caber (prefer Caber)

    I notice you keep wanting to bump dosages with each post and it isn't more than likely necessary, unless you are an over natty limit kinda guy??
    You're right in saying that dosages are probably too high in my previous posts. I'll give 600mg Deca and 150mg of test ago and report back. As always, an AI will be run along with HCG and will monitor e2 levels. Thanks again.

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    You're right in saying that dosages are probably too high in my previous posts. I'll give 600mg Deca and 150mg of test ago and report back. As always, an AI will be run along with HCG and will monitor e2 levels. Thanks again.
    Did you catch what I aid about keeping an AI (on hand). With a test dose under 200EW you very likely could get away with not using an AI as it's a TRT dose and it's likely there would not be an excess of test that would aromatize!

    You would still have to keep it on hand in case you start to experience any elevated E2 sides and would need to then us Caber or Prami vs keeping it on hand!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Did you catch what I aid about keeping an AI (on hand). With a test dose under 200EW you very likely could get away with not using an AI as it's a TRT dose and it's likely there would not be an excess of test that would aromatize!

    You would still have to keep it on hand in case you start to experience any elevated E2 sides and would need to then us Caber or Prami vs keeping it on hand!
    Yeah, I'll keep an AI and prami on hand. I've never ran test that low before so I wasn't sure.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Yeah, I'll keep an AI and prami on hand. I've never ran test that low before so I wasn't sure.
    NO need to run the prami if you keep your test under 200. You still need to be concerned about PRL to a small degree and therefore need to USE Prami/Caber NOT keep it on hand!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    NO need to run the prami if you keep your test under 200. You still need to be concerned about PRL to a small degree and therefore need to USE Prami/Caber NOT keep it on hand!
    My understanding was that if your e2 levels are under control then prolactin wouldn't be an issue? Is that not correct?

  17. #17
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    My understanding was that if your e2 levels are under control then prolactin wouldn't be an issue? Is that not correct?
    That is the theory yes! But 19nors still have the strange ability to cause PRL increase...While 200mg test may not send your E2 levels out of range it still may be enough to cuase PRL. As a precaution you really should use the PRL control!

  18. #18
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    Thanks again, Lunk. I'm always willing to take the extra precautions.

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Thanks again, Lunk. I'm always willing to take the extra precautions.
    It basicly comes down to 2 choices when ont the TRT test dose protocal. Either a very low dose AI and PRL ANT on hand or use PRL ANT and keep AI on hand! The benifits of Caber for amny make it a precaution they dont mind taking lol!

    Besides it can be tricky getting a dose right with the AI and low dose test so it would be safer not to get the E@ too low and just be precautionary against PRL

  20. #20
    cj111's Avatar
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    Tren: 100mg ED (weeks 1-8 (maybe 10 depending on bp/other sides))
    You could probably run half that amount and still have good progress. 700mg tren a week just seems like a lot for something so strong

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