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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    sinister188 is offline New Member
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    Need advice

    I started cycling about a month ago test prop. 1ml. twice a week. recovering `from chemo therapy and low test. issues are nipples are sore as in painful. also testies have shrunk to marble size, and when with my girl I can't finish. very frustrating. I am also on methadone, percocet,and gabapentin. for pain. metformine for diabetes. and lisinopril for heart. any help will be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are on chemo for wat!

  3. #3
    sinister188 is offline New Member
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    I had non Hodgkins lymphoma. I am free of cancer now but side effect was nuropothy pain and numbness in feet and hands

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Prop needs to be injected more often than twice per week , in fact some inject it every day. You need a longer ester test that can be injected twice per week like Test E or Test C. You also need an ai like aromasin or arimidex to control estrogen(the issue you mentioned with sore nipples) the estrogen is likely the issue as well for not being able to finish. HCG can be used for the small balls problem too but ultimately this should all be under doctor supervision considering your health.

  5. #5
    sinister188 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Redz,
    I started ENTH yesterday. I am not familure with your remedies do I need drs. approval or can I get OC. I will be seeing my dr next week and will get blood test to see whats going on. My dr prescribed Android but was $1000 and insure. wouldn't cover.

  6. #6
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    To begin with, you'd be doing yourself a huge favor by researching the effects and side effects of exogenous testosterone , as well as aromatase inhibitors and post-cycle therapy standards. With that said, everything redz stated was spot-on. As far as not being able to climax during sex, the fact that you're taking methadone and percocet could very well be the culprit there. They desensitize your entire body. And on that note, I'm shocked that your doctor has you on both. The majority of opiate/opioid related deaths involve methadone and another opiate used in correlation with each other, or simply taking too much methadone due to its incredibly long half life. Watch that combo carefully man, I'm just looking out for you.

  7. #7
    sinister188 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Brian, I am amazed at how helpful you all are and have been reading everything I can see on the site concerning effects and side effects. Thank you for your concern as well, I only take my pills as prescribed but will talk with dr. about the side effects of mixing both including introducing test. into the mix. I did ask my phamasist about inhibitors she referred me back to my dr. I do have one more question I don't understand what the halflife means? I will try to find it on the site but if anyone would like to let me in on it that would be great

  8. #8
    sinister188 is offline New Member
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    So Cal
    O.K I found a thread on half life and it make total sense to me.

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