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Thread: Opionions?!?!?!

  1. #1
    Scottyb13's Avatar
    Scottyb13 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2012


    So I have cycles under me and I have always injected a steady cc of gear. Example: 1 cc for entire cycle.. However my buddy said he raises cc's slowly til he got to 2cc inject then lowered back down slowly. Example: inj1 1/4cc, inj2 .5cc inj3 .3/4cc until to full 2cc then back down same as came down... I don't like that idea for blood level reason.. Has anyone heard of this? If so thoughts on it?

  2. #2
    bstacked's Avatar
    bstacked is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2012
    That's old school from what I hear like Arnold days old school pyramid style just pic a set dose and run it IMO don't get out of hand higher dose higher risk sides etc

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  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I don't think tapering is the most ideal. I'd prefer a steady dose

  4. #4
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottyb13 View Post
    So I have cycles under me and I have always injected a steady cc of gear. Example: 1 cc for entire cycle.. However my buddy said he raises cc's slowly til he got to 2cc inject then lowered back down slowly. Example: inj1 1/4cc, inj2 .5cc inj3 .3/4cc until to full 2cc then back down same as came down... I don't like that idea for blood level reason.. Has anyone heard of this? If so thoughts on it?
    This is what we call ''pyramiding the dosage.''

    It is a thing of the past, as another member said above, belongs to the golden era of bodybuilding, a phase during which literally none of the bodybuilders were properly informed about the nature of biochemicals. Back in the day, bodybuilders believed if they introduced these biochemicals to their bodies at initially low dosages, their bodies would adopt to these compounds all nice and easy. They also thought that tapering down the dosage towards the end of a cycle would somehow allow their bodies to start recovering at the same time, which is nothing but naive thinking.

    In the last result, ''pyramiding the dosage'' method is not only useless but it could also be counteractive on multiple levels. Unstable blood levels appears to be amongst them.

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