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Thread: eq vs tren ???

  1. #1
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    eq vs tren ???

    so il be running sust at 200mg eod next cycle and am debating on wether to use tren -a at 50-100mg eod with it or EQ at 750mg a week, which will give me more mass ?

  2. #2
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm sorry dude this post is full of holes, i think you need to do some more research. Also its always best to start of with stats and cycle exp....just saying

  3. #3
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    If you have to ask this question you're not ready for tren .

  4. #4
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    well i just wasnt sure if 150-200mg tren would give better gains than 750mg of eq thats my question

  5. #5
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    well i just wasnt sure if 150-200mg tren would give better gains than 750mg of eq thats my question
    I'm pretty sure creatine and a chicken breast will give better results than eq.

    There's your answer.

  6. #6
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    not a fan of eq then ?

  7. #7
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can't compare eq with tren ....

  8. #8
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    They mean get your diet in order first, there is no point in sticking gear in your body for short term growth if you are not going to support and sustain the growth with fuel/food

  9. #9
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    seeing as you all seem to think my diet is shit here is my average daily diet

    meal 1:
    25g whey proetin

    meal 2: (30 minutes after waking)
    5 whole eggs
    100g raw oats
    500ml whole milk

    meal 3:
    150g chicken breast
    100g brown basmati rice
    red apple

    meal 4:
    150g chicken breast
    100g brown basmati rice

    meal 5:
    5 whole eggs
    100g oats
    500ml whole milk


    meal 6 (PW)
    50g whey protein

    meal 7:
    120g tuna
    2 large jacket potato's
    green veg

    meal 8:
    300g cottage cheese

    now it may now be 100% perfect but im getting in plenty of carbs,fats and protein

  10. #10
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    OK so your diets good, now its standard procedure to post stats when asking questions, age, weight, height, bf%, previous cycle experience and compounds used, goals. we need to know so we can tailor a reply to your specific question, if you dont post the its cool but were going to end up asking anyway.

  11. #11
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    3 cycles under belt prop & var then sust & deca then prop & winstrol
    about 14% b,f
    my goal is to drop down to below 10% b,f whilst gaining a decent amount of muscle and good strength gains which is why im concidering tren
    cycle plan so far
    sustanon 200mg eod week 1-10
    tren-a 50 tapering up to 100mg eod week 1-6
    may throw in some left over winny at 50mg a day last 4 weeks
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    and will be using arimidex .25 mg eod throughout

  12. #12
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    3 cycles under belt prop & var then sust & deca then prop & winstrol
    about 14% b,f
    my goal is to drop down to below 10% b,f whilst gaining a decent amount of muscle and good strength gains which is why im concidering tren
    cycle plan so far
    sustanon 200mg eod week 1-10
    tren-a 50 tapering up to 100mg eod week 1-6
    may throw in some left over winny at 50mg a day last 4 weeks
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    and will be using arimidex .25 mg eod throughout
    OK normally the guys around here will not condone AAS use to under 25, as seen as you've already cycled and probably going to do another whatever, here is my advice.
    Your plan needs some work

    EQ and tren are totally different, the general consensus is that EQ is crap(15 weeks is normal to see results), and Tren is awesome. Tren does everything a steroid should, but its STRONG, 5 times stronger than test, for every 100mg its like putting 500mg of test in your body, your 350mg per week is the equivelant of putting 1750mg of sust / test in your body every week, are you ready to put that amount of gear in your body ? Tren has some real nasty sides, night sweats mean changing the bedding every night for some, insomnia, the first time i did tren was like the first time i did test, it hit me like a train, i was short tempered and an asshole, you can learn to control these.

    Personally I would drop bf% naturally by carb cycling for at least a month before the cycle ( there are some good threads on here on this, look up marcus's prime before the cycle), it will also create a prime for a growth spurt when you introduce AAS, if you eat clean while on you will stay lean enough, personally I thinks its a waste of a cycle to do both at the same time(cut and grow), the tren will help, but i would prefer to use it to build solid muscle and lots of it, i would extend the tren by a couple of weeks, im not sure about tapering up, are you going to do 50mgEOD? no need. i wouldnt bother with the winny save it for a cutter

    PCT defo needs HCG adding in after TREn, I cant understate its importance and usefulness enough

  13. #13
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    EQ vs Tren

    Tren KO inside 3 seconds in to the first round.

    Comparing these is so wrong, it's like a 105lb boxer fighting one of the Klitschkos.
    adamameeriar likes this.

  14. #14
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    EQ vs Tren

    Tren KO inside 3 seconds in to the first round.

    Comparing these is so wrong, it's like a 105lb boxer fighting one of the Klitschkos.

    I would say 105lb boxer agains both Klitschkos.

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    No contest between the two. They shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

  16. #16
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro you are copareing apples to oranges.You need to read the profile section on the 2.After that you will know how silly this thread is.

  17. #17
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    from what ive read eq will give me much better lean gains where as tren will be mainly water weight and is more or less like winstrol , JOKING yea ive just read the thread sounds like tren is the daddy !

  18. #18
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    from what ive read eq will give me much better lean gains where as tren will be mainly water weight and is more or less like winstrol, JOKING yea ive just read the thread sounds like tren is the daddy !
    My head almost asploded from reading that lol...glad you were just joking.

  19. #19
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    Gains are different for different people. Some want strength. Some want size. Some want to get ripped. Some want to be vascular, etc. Tren is the king of steroids . On an anabolic scale of 1 to 5, Eq is 1.5 and Tren is 5. They just can't be compared. Tren is really strong stuff and you will get side effects. After two Tren cycles I got anorgasmia (inability to orgasm). I panic'd for a few weeks. It took me about 9 months to get back to almost normal. By the time I was back to normal, I had lost the gains I got from the Tren. From a net gain perspective, I'd say that Tren wasn't worth it for me. This is my experience personally. I'm older at 53. I know younger guys have had good & bad sides with Tren. I not telling you to stay away from Tren. I am saying that you really need to study Tren before you jump into it. It's not to be taken lightly. It can hurt you.

  20. #20
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78
    from what ive read eq will give me much better lean gains where as tren will be mainly water weight and is more or less like winstrol, JOKING yea ive just read the thread sounds like tren is the daddy !
    Your not ready for Tren . Period

  21. #21
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Didn't read the other responses but let me put it this way... Eq vs Tren is like a tug-a-war between a civic vs a Peterbuilt

    Tren is not to be respected and not taken lightly and by starting a thread with this title, it shows you are not ready to cycle such an advanced, aggressive compound

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