Hey Everyone,

Its been a real long time since I have been on here and am looking to get back into a cycle to run for the summer.
I have run two cycles before in the past. My first cycle was just test prop and my second cycle was prop and Tren Ace, last one was about 2.5 years ago.
I have been natural since but would like to get back into it. The tren and Prop cycle did wonders for cutting and I used it before my competition back in 2010. I loved it and only experienced light progesterone sides that I got rid of with some Letro.

I am looking for a cycle that will shred me up and dry me out while maybe adding some size to me if possible. The real issue I have with going back to the tren/prop cycle is the hair thinning I experienced on tren. I have the gene for MPB and I know I will get alot of replies from members telling me to just shave it off, but I would rather avoid that. I know that test and other roids cause mpb but I would like to avoid the ones that cause real damage.

I was considering on doing a Prop/NPP cycle, any thoughts?

Any other recommendations of a stack that will cut me and dry me out and cause minimal hair loss?