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  1. #1
    dakyum is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009

    Need help: what do you guys think?

    Hello guys I am a NOOBIE to steroids .
    I have been lifting for about 4 years and I am getting my hands on this.
    I am going to start my first cycle here it is.

    I am 22years old

    SO right now I have Test-Comp 250 10ml (Unigen),equipoise 10ml, Rexobol 10mg (200 tabs), ephedrine (200 tabs). I also have nolvadex .

    this is how I am going to use it:

    monday: 2ml of Test-Comp

    thursday: 2ml of equipoise

    ephedrine: 1 tab in the morning and 1 tab in the evening

    rexobol: 1 tab seperated by 2 hrs, total of 4 tabs a day.

    Nolvadex: when my nipple starts to hurt or gets sensitive.
    I will start taking 2 tabs seperated by 12 hrs. reduce to 1 tabs seperated by 12hrs after 2 weeks. If I dont feel the symptoms I will stop using it.

    after cycle: probably take anavar

    This is what I know so far, it would be great and I would really appreciate it if you guys give me some help or tips.

    Thank you!!
    Last edited by dakyum; 03-12-2013 at 01:40 PM.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Absolutely not!

    First of all, your cycle is a wreck. And secondly, you're still a bit too young bro.

    I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following few short years.

    It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.

    Its also important to understand what it is your putting into your body and the associated roles these compounds play, and the dreaded side effects that are bound to creep up on you - especially if you didn’t do your homework. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..

    The Young and Steroids

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Sep 2012
    Read the stickies mate lot's of info there.

  4. #4
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Possibly the worst cycle I have seen. Read the stickies homie.

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Christ.... This is a train wreck at best.
    First off, 22 is young. I started at 22 so I can't really preach. But please be aware of the huge risk you're taking...
    Test Comp? Never heard of it but I would assume its a long ester or you're really stupid if you're pinning once a week. Either way I'd split it into 2 doses a week
    Equipoise is a waste of oil. Even if you were dead set on using it. 10ml is nowhere near enough as I would venture to say you'd need like 750mg a week to be useful at all...
    Nolvadex is for pct. not AI
    That being said what's your plan for PREVENTING gyno? Not just retroactive thinking of letting it happen then fixing it....
    You have no mention of pct which leads me to believe you have done 0 research or you're incredibly stupid
    Where is the HCG ?
    Please do some research. This is an awful awful plan and you will not see much. But ou may hurt yourself

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