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  1. #1
    Cmdnctrl is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    50mg Stanozol stacked with test e cycle question

    2 weeks ago I started a 50mg a day oral winny cycle. Then later decided that I should stack with a test. So I'm stacking only 200mg a week with test ethanate just started. I realize in order to get anything out of the test I have to do a minimum of 10 weeks with ethanate. Which I plan on doing I'm going to stop winny at week 6 keep doing the test. I have nolvadex for pct which I plan on taking 2 weeks after final injection. For 4 weeks 40/20/20/20. My questions are this is the pct enough? And taking a natural test booster with nolvadex a good idea to help restart natural test production. currently labido is fine. And strength gains are pretty decent

    My goals were solely strength gains not for anything else size or cutting I'm not lookin for physique improvements. Current stats are 6'2 243 lbs. I understand there are many other stacks that probably would have been better but this is only him I could get. Thanks in advance for input

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I would include Clomid as part of your recovery plan.

    Forgo the test booster at this point. Maybe include it between cycles if you like.

  3. #3
    Cmdnctrl is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks for the input!

  4. #4
    young&dedicated is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I am running 2- 8 week cycles. As a fairly new rookie Me and my partner who is extremely educated in the fitness industry have came up with the best stradegy on the juice. Everyone seems to tell you different things but we took hours and hours of research and decided on our plan. 8 week cycle of test taking 3month off and going back on a 8-week cycle of test Cyp with the last 4weeks introducing winny. We will be taking clomid and nolvadex on for our post cycle along with a good liver detoxer. And then after the post is done just 2months to get our body completely back to normal. Also while on cycle Hcg is a mandatory substance for us this will help our post kick in fast and keep are testis alive and much more while on cycle. And wait at least 7-10 after your cycle before introducing the post. Everyone's in this big hurry and don't realize what they are doing to the inside only think I g about the outside and they want it all right now. We've been in no rush and well planned. Do not take liver care while on cycle it can interfere with the juice. Take milk thistle along with your supple.wnrs while on cycle along with a gallon and a half of water or as much as you can consume daily. The Hcg will also keep the bloating down and help keep hormones alive so when you transition to post the clinic and nolvadex will start working right away. Nutrition and supplementation must be on point this far in the game. Hope this helps from a educated rookie. Have a good day.

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