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  1. #1
    >Acute<'s Avatar
    >Acute< is offline Junior Member
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    Which would you choose?

    1st cycle complete might post some pics at some point

    Started at 200lb 10% bodyfat
    finished at 215lb 10% bodyfat

    The original plan was to run 12 weeks of test e at 580mg/ week and 80mg var the last 8 weeks.. but I ran out of test week 10, continued on var only for 2 more weeks and jumped into PCT. I'll have extra test on hand next time, but I'm still surprised it was done at week 10. I had 30ml at the start, but whatever..

    These are so far my 2nd cycle suspects. I'm leaning more towards #2, kind of unsure between that and #3. #1 is still a good option.

    1-10 test p 700mg EW
    1-10 var 100mg ED

    1-10 test p 350mg EW
    1-8 tren ace 350mg EW

    1-12 test p 700mg/ week
    1-10 NPP 400mg/ week

    Everything will be taken ED, I don't mind the idea at all.

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    You didnt mention your goals for this cycle so its nearly impossible to give you an answer

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    1 for sure no matter your goal... tren at second cycle is just too soon.and npp can still wait. Just my 2 cent.

  4. #4
    >Acute<'s Avatar
    >Acute< is offline Junior Member
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    Overall goal is to stay under 10% BF and continue to increase muscle mass/ strength.

    The reason I'm so tempted to try tren is because of its amazing profile. If legends are true, I can probably increase muscle mass/ strength AND come out at 8% BF. If I find the sides something I can't deal with, I can just drop it I guess.

    The NPP also sounds great in terms of the results it can provide and it's probably even safer than anavar . Joint support is also a huge plus in my book.

    The Anavar I've tried it and loved. A bit too pricey too run 10 weeks @ 100mg, and I was thinking of even adding mast to that mix as well. If I do go with #1 I probably will do that.

  5. #5
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    Option #1.

    OR if you are planning to never come off and go on TRT blast/cruise forever, go option #2. Otherwise too early for tren if 2nd cycle. I say no to option 3 since it sounds like you want to lean up more and lower bodyfat....100mg anavar a day and 700prop sounds like best doable of 1 and 3.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You dont need tren yet and you dont need to increase your test.You have plenty to gain on wat you ran the 1st time.

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