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  1. #1
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Sustanon. When should I begin pct?

    I'm wanting to do sustanon 500mg/wk with aromasin 10mg ed and hcg 250 units no weekly for 6 weeks. Should I begin with my. Pct on week 7? Clomid 75mg Ed week 1/50mg Ed week 2/50mg Ed week 3/50mg Ed week 4, Nolva 40mg Ed week 1/20mg ed week 2/20mg Ed week 3/20mg ed week 4. Does this cycle look ok? Also how long should I wait before starting my next cycle? Should I hit a AI 2 weeks prior to my cycle to get my body ready? Any input is appreciated...

  2. #2
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Sorry hcg bi weekly

  3. #3
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    First things first, the cycle is needs to be extended to 10-14 weeks. If this is your first cycle then I suggest looking into a longer ester such as tesosterone enanthate /cypionate . Forget about PCT for now untill you figure your cycle out.
    Last edited by Iron-56; 03-28-2013 at 09:26 PM.

  4. #4
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Sust should be run no less than 8-10 weeks to fully utilize all the esters in the blend. The long esters are the majority of it so It needs to be run longer. I just finished a sust cycle. Started pct 15 days after last pin

  5. #5
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Sust should be run no less than 8-10 weeks to fully utilize all the esters in the blend. The long esters are the majority of it so It needs to be run longer. I just finished a sust cycle. Started pct 15 days after last pin
    OK ill shoot for 8-10 weeks, does everything else in my cycle look ok? Also did you continue the AI up until the last pin or right before pct? What kind of gains did you get on sustanon ?

  6. #6
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-56 View Post
    First things first, the cycle is needs to be extended to 10-14 weeks. If this is your first cycle then I suggest looking into a longer ester such as tesosterone enanthate/cypionate. Forget about PCT for now untill you figure your cycle out.
    Your off your head. Sus should be 10-12 weeks..

    Run your pct 15 days after last pin..

  7. #7
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    What are your stats? And goals?

  8. #8
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    What are your stats? And goals?
    6ft1 225 lbs 13/14%bf 4 years workout experience 400 grams of protien 175 grams of carbs minimal fat usually about 100 grams / day.

  9. #9
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    week 1-12 test 500mg/week (2x 250mg sustanon )
    week 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 1-14 HCG 2x 250 IU's/week
    start PCT 18 days after last sus shot
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/20/20/20

    your welcome

  10. #10
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=kronik420;6471267]week 1-12 test 500mg/week (2x 250mg sustanon )
    week 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 1-14 HCG 2x 250 IU's/week
    start PCT 18 days after last sus shot
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    Thanks a lot Ill use this as my cycle and the pct is mg Ed right? For each week? What gains should I expect?

  11. #11
    hitokiri is offline New Member
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    Run pct or else you will regret it!!! Gyno will come for you if you skip pct! Letrozole pct is the best serm in the market!

  12. #12
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitokiri View Post
    Run pct or else you will regret it!!! Gyno will come for you if you skip pct! Letrozole pct is the best serm in the market!
    I will be using pct I wouldn't do a cycle without it.... I have aromasim clomid and nolva and hcg

  13. #13
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR.RN1989 View Post
    Thanks a lot Ill use this as my cycle and the pct is mg Ed right? For each week? What gains should I expect?
    Yea mg ED each week

    gains will depend on diet..

  14. #14
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    Yea mg ED each week

    gains will depend on diet..
    Thanks alot for the help....

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