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Thread: Estrogen tubes

  1. #1
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    Estrogen tubes

    Hey, so i have heard about an operation of getting your estrogen tubes removed?

    Anyone else heard of this??

    Would you still need to take an AI If you had this done?

  2. #2
    Fllifter's Avatar
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    Why would someone want to eliminate all estrogen in the body ? We still need estrogen to fiction normally.

  3. #3
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    Not too sure, i know a few guys that got them removed.. I know one of them was because his nipples were milking and hit steroids way too early..

  4. #4
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd
    Not too sure, i know a few guys that got them removed.. I know one of them was because his nipples were milking and hit steroids way too early..
    It's not your body's natural oestrogen that's the problem, it's aromatising steroids that are converted to oestrogen.

    I would imagine having your tubes (whatever they are) removed would only stop naturally occurring estrogen

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I think there is some kind of misunderstanding here. Perhaps they have had gyno removed..which will do nothing as far as lowering estrogen.
    There is no such thing as "Estrogen Tubes".

  6. #6
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I think there is some kind of misunderstanding here. Perhaps they have had gyno removed..which will do nothing as far as lowering estrogen.
    There is no such thing as "Estrogen Tubes".
    Yes, I was going to mention that I believe the original poster was referring to the actual glandular tissue under the nipple, which when completely removed will allow the person to never ever experience gynecomastia ever again despite high Estrogen levels. When the gland is removed, no breast tissue can grow. I have never seen what it looks like myself, but apparently it isn't very sightly because unlike most gynecomastia surgery which merely removes the fatty tissue that has grown, this is complete removal of the gland which makes the nipple area look inverted (apparently?).

    Either way, there is no such thing as Estrogen tubes. I think the OP's first language might not be english and that's why he said that.

  7. #7
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Yes, I was going to mention that I believe the original poster was referring to the actual glandular tissue under the nipple, which when completely removed will allow the person to never ever experience gynecomastia ever again despite high Estrogen levels. When the gland is removed, no breast tissue can grow. I have never seen what it looks like myself, but apparently it isn't very sightly because unlike most gynecomastia surgery which merely removes the fatty tissue that has grown, this is complete removal of the gland which makes the nipple area look inverted (apparently?).

    Either way, there is no such thing as Estrogen tubes. I think the OP's first language might not be english and that's why he said that.
    I've had this procedure mate. All gland removed (hopefully). As long as the surgeon is skilled enough to be able to sculpt/not remove too much fat then it shouldn't be noticeable.

    My surgery was 5 months ago and, until I raise my hands above my head, you really can't tell. When i tense one of my nipples wrinkles so i need to remember not to do that walking around the pool in holiday And I had shitloads of gland removed.

  8. #8
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I've had this procedure mate. All gland removed (hopefully). As long as the surgeon is skilled enough to be able to sculpt/not remove too much fat then it shouldn't be noticeable.

    My surgery was 5 months ago and, until I raise my hands above my head, you really can't tell. When i tense one of my nipples wrinkles so i need to remember not to do that walking around the pool in holiday And I had shitloads of gland removed.
    Thanks for your input! I was curious about that. Also, since you have had the gland removed, would you know if there is any method that the surgeon can use to "fill the gap", so to speak, that is left by the removal of the gland? Perhaps a small silicone implant to make it look normal and not "inverted"?

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Thanks for your input! I was curious about that. Also, since you have had the gland removed, would you know if there is any method that the surgeon can use to "fill the gap", so to speak, that is left by the removal of the gland? Perhaps a small silicone implant to make it look normal and not "inverted"?
    It's just sculpted with fat from the surrounding area. When all the fat is removed it does look ridiculous. Now, I went in with an acceptable bodyfat % so I reckon I won't notice even if I drop to 8% and maybe not notice even lower.

    I suspect if somebody has the op at, say, 20% and then cuts to single digits then the cosmetic situation may change. It's why you are told to lose weight before the surgery if you are a fatty.

    It's almost impossible to determine whether it not the entire gland has been removed in view of the small or distant incisions that are made. I have some tenderness/sensitivity since starting my cycle 2 weeks ago and have upped my AI accordingly.

    I do get a free revision surgery should it come back although my initial gyno was not necessarily hormone related and was as much a mutation of the gland.

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