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  1. #1
    TMan96's Avatar
    TMan96 is offline Associate Member
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    Blast didn’t work for me. (Understatement) Ended my 15wk blast after 8 weeks...

    Wasn’t sure if I should post this in the HRT forum, or Cycle Results. There is info here for those on TRT considering blasting. Let me know if I should move.

    I have been on TRT with Test Cyp for over a year now. Had spent time dialing everything in and was excited about do my 1st blast cycle with some of the extra Test I had accumulated from my script.

    My main goal was to add muscle mass. I am 46 years old, 5’6 165lbs with 13%bf.
    My complete normal protocol is:
    Test cyp. 120mg wk.
    .25mg Arimidex 2x week
    250iu HCG 2x week
    .5mg Simvastatin EOD
    1 grain Armor Thyroid Each Day
    200mg CoQ10
    500mg Krill Oil
    2600mg flax seed oil
    120mg ginkgo biloba
    Multi-vitamin with 5000iu D3 plus about everything else except Iron.

    For my blast I upped the Test dose to 400mg and upped the Arimidex to .25 EOD. My diet was on point with a 40/30/30 and 500 cal above maintance. Workout was a 5x5 4 days a week with light cardio 2x a week.

    Started my blast 2nd week of February. Everything went well to start with… except didn’t see any results…. I mean no weight gain, no increase in strength. If anything lower libido. As information this is what I saw throughout the blast…. So gained nothing.

    Week 5 I had my levels checked at labcorp. E2 Sensitive was pretty much in check at 39 and my T levels were >1500 (lab didn’t go any higher than 1500). The other bad thing I noticed was my RBC, H&H were near the top of the rage… even though I had donated blood right before I started the blast.

    On the bad side, thanks to members on this forum, I also knew to keep up with my BP and had bought a cuff so I could check at home. About 4-5 days after my BW my BP shot up. I have not had any issues with High BP ever and am usually at 120/80 or sometimes a little lower. Well I started feeling a little lightheaded, check my BP and it was 168/90! Called my doc immediately as I was a little freaked out (I probably made it go even higher with anxiety). Doc saw me that morning and said he was going to put me on Diovan (valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide) 160/12.5. Said that sometimes people just develop HBP all of a sudden and gave me a month’s worth of samples. He said to keep up with the BP monitoring and we would check it next time he saw me. Said I might be able to get off of it if things cleared up. Took the 1st tab and felt better quickly. Within a week BP was back to about 130/82. Thought about stopping the blast then, and should have, but since I was feeling so much better I was desperate to see if I would get any results and rationalizing I was under control now, I decided to keep going.

    Never saw any positive results from the blast, infact I had started feeling weaker and libido was down. Workouts were crap. 2 weeks ago I was due to give blood and thought that might make me feel better. Well I went in and they said my hemoglobin was 18.1 and they could only take blood if it were 18 or less. I know that the test they do there with a finger stick weren’t that accurate, but I didn’t think they could be too far off either so the next day I went back to labcorp. When I got my results back, my hemoglobin was 17.8, hematocrit 52.5 and RBC 5.89 all high and out of range. I decided right then to stop my blast and Test Cyp all together until I get this back under control.

    I have been off Test for 1 week now and am feeling a lot better and stronger. I plan to go back to donate and hopefully I will show below 18 and be able to donate. If I can get things back under control I plan to go back on my TRT dose of Test. I also want to get off the Diovan.

    If I still can’t donate, I will go back to the doc and let him know what is going on. I know this is one thing you don’t want to mess around with for long.

    So you can see why this has not been a good experience for me. I know everyone is different and everyone responds different. There was nothing about me that made me think this would have happened.

    Right now, don’t think I will ever try this again. Anyone else ever have results like this or have any input into what I could have done different? Anything about my current protocol that may have caused a problem? I did take some creatine while I was on the blast… could that be a problem….. everything I read said it was okay.

    Anything about my protocol that seems redundant or I should look at eliminating? Seems like a lot in retrospect. Appreciate any input.

    For those considering a Blast, you might want to consider my story before you take the plunge.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    This belongs in the Q & A section as it's not HRT related. Anyway... What gear did you use?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    TMan96's Avatar
    TMan96 is offline Associate Member
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    Watson Test from the Pharmacy.

  4. #4
    TMan96's Avatar
    TMan96 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    This belongs in the Q & A section as it's not HRT related. Anyway... What gear did you use?
    Moved to the Q&A as suggested.

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