Long timer lurker here needing some help from the experts.
Stats: 220lb, 6ft
10%ish bf right now
5 cycles under my belt-two test only cycles, two test/deca cycles, and one test/tren cycle
Lifting about 8 years

Now, planning on running another test/tren cycle starting in about 3 weeks. I plan throwing in some HGH. First run with it so some advice would be helpful.

Test e 400mg ew 1-14
Tren a 65mg ed 4-12
Hcg 250ius twice weekly
.25 liquidex daily
Have prami on hand, no one here has caber
Gonna run some b12 this go round to help with energy and appetite

My question is, should I start the GH in week 8 or just wait till the end. I was thinking about running 2ius starting week 8 then bumping up to 4 or 5 after my tren is gone. Anyone have any experience with this combo or suggestions? I have nolvadex and liquid clomi for my normal PCT. BTW, the GH is generic but from a trusted source and plan on a good 6 month run.