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  1. #1
    70sAesthetics is offline New Member
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    1 Year of Pain ~ HGH

    I am a 24yrs old, and have been out of the gym for a year. I have ligament laxity in a rib/ribs in my upper left back and chest. This causes pain, spasms, popping, cracking, snapping, sharp and dull aches and involuntary muscle twitching when relaxing from a cns malfunction. Ligaments seem to never heal especially when every breath you take and move you make the rib is moving.

    I had done 7 treatments of prolozone, which seemed to help alot but which got re-screwed up by a osteopath. And I was unsure how effective it was as so easily screwed up again.

    I have done 1 treatment of prolotherapy so far. The solution was hypertonic dextrose 12.5-20% (unsure) with 2IU's of GH. I am getting treatments like this every 2-3 weeks. With and estimation of 4-7 total.

    Now my question is, would me running HGH on my own accord be worth it? The doc was using 2IU's, which is nothing but remember he is injecting that directly into the rib ligament injury. If I ran my own HGH, I couldnt pin it into the injury site as I cant pin my ribs in my back and chest.

    I am still a natural with 3 years of solid training. I had
    Last edited by 70sAesthetics; 04-07-2013 at 04:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    I've read too/bad about prolotherapy. I got a chiractopractor buddy that's doing it and says he's patients get amazing results. I understand the theory but I'm not convinced getting HGH to the injured area will make it head faster. I feel like prolotherapy is less scientific and more emperical. I hope it works for you. I just take HGH subq and it seems to work for me.

  3. #3
    Ridel's Avatar
    Ridel is offline Junior Member
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    Bump for my homie

  4. #4
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Depression and suicidal toughs are normal at some point when we cannot seem to find a cure or answers to our pain, we have gone true so much seeing every specialist there is and not getting anywhere, been there done that, i almost killed myself back in 2008 after going to theses idiots chiros and they screwed me up even more for a year and a half then going to this special medical sport clinic and they gave me a bunch of exercise to strengthen some already tight muscles.

    There is help and hope out there my friend there really is, you first need to understand that prolotherapy wonderful has it is, is not a cure all and is very slow working, i am shitting you not i have no money to gain from this, i am talking about my personal and on going experience, i am not done with prolo yet.

    Depending on the laxity that you have prolo can take a year or 2 to fix everything, its very important that you stay inactive for the first few months of treatment, so that the ligaments can strengthen, they have very poor blood supply so its very long journey.

    At some point it will get worst, don't worry its the normal process of healing. There is a good chance that the cracking will never go away but my girlfriend cracks a lot and is not in pain. The important thing is that you be pain free and can get back to an active life.

    Dextrose xylocaine is pure crap i got so many prolo treatments from that and it was always back to the drawing board, its just not strong enough, right now my cocktail is sodium morrhuate with salin 30% and it gets the job done, i am getting prolo every 2-3 weeks, the inflammation must be awful hard impact to shock the body into repairing itself.

    PRP is shit and expensive not worth 1 penny i got that done and sued the medical doctor, also they say 4-6 treatment is all that is needed every 6 weeks that is also total bull, you might need 20 treatments or more of good prolo to get things back to normal.

    After prolo avoid icing, avoid anything that can limite inflammation ever fish oil, all anti inflamatory drugs and more. You can take hot baths to help get more blood circulation.

    You need to eat high protein to repair the body at this point take MSM, glutamine, dessicated liver tabs (lots of good iron blood circulation and vitamin Bs) i take 12 tabs per day 6 morning and 6 night crush them they are big, also take 5g creatine, collagen supplement, to make sure the ligaments have all they need for repair.

    Avoid high impact exercise, if you can go swimming that would be your best option now. I started training again with weights NO MORE SQUATTING, DEADLIFTING and heavy bench press, i am 40 years old, i wanna train til i die.

    I am using vince gironda 8 X 8 program with moderate weight that helps pump the blood back into the muscles.

    Make sure to find a competent prolotherapist and ask request sodium morrhuate at once, no more dextrose crap. Be patient healing will come and you will get your life back.

    Good luck bro and keep me posted. Also stop going to chiros and osteopath they are just dumb idiots that don't know what they are doing they have no clue about ligament laxity, and there adjustments will make you a lot worst, a chiro adjustments is worst then a football player tackle the science is there to prove it. Imagine what it does to your body.

    GH is best injected into the injured site 2IU is good GH injected like this in the body will not do nothing believe me i have spent a lot of money on this, save your money for prolotherapy.

  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    My chiro experience over 11 years of pain, at first i went to see 3 it felt good after the adjustment but the pain came back 2-3 days later. Later being depressed i went to see another chiro he adjusted me 3 times per week for a year and a half i came into is office with lower back pain, i left with a snapping hip joint and pain in the neck traps and very loose neck D3D4 and the works, he was able to cause laxity along all my spine and even shoulders that idiot was still convince that he could fix me, even if my pelvic was getting out of alignment and my hip was cracking and hurting silly, i tried to sue is A$$ but he got a great lawyer and got away with it.

    Chiro think they have the cure all they have no clue about ligament laxity and after 10 chiro adjustments the body ligament laxity takes place. By over adjusting the lower back the Y ligament of the hip will become laxed, i have 6 inch needle injections of prolo to fix that and it hurts like crazy because that incompetent chiro did this to me, i have also seen another chiro and they are all the same worthless ignorant. Chiro have a huge marketing campaign, they love to send you cards at your birthday and holidays, also you get a call each month when you don't show up to get adjusted like it was a life and death situation. When you go to a chiro your in for life, you need to get adjusted at least once a month this is how they build there numerous patients, some chiro clinics even have yearly membership.......... how sick is that.

    I hate chiropractors they are a plague and i have never met one person who get well after there treatments but i saw people getting herniated discs tones of arthritis after going to the chiro too long.

  6. #6
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    BTW in my 11 years of chronic pain i have seen them all, i have been put on steroids to heal after, HGH and more and it did nothing. I have seen acupuncture the best in the buis, osteo, chiros, sport physio, sport medical doctor, kinestologist and so many more and i can certified that they got zero nada no knowledge about ligament laxity, they are total ignorant, even in there studies there is no mention of ligament laxity its like it does not even exist.

    I have been getting prolotherapy treatments since 2008, i went to see 2 prolotherapist that where idiot ignorant too, one that was treating me with dextrose and xylocaine very small dosage every week that cost me a lot of money 12 cc 3 dextrose and 4 xylocaine 2%............. i got tired and went to another guy that was suppose to be amazing, he gave me prolo once more with dextrose this time 5cc dextrose and 35cc of xylocaine, that did nothing.

    Problem with science and prolo is that there are far to many incompetent prolotherapist saying they know what they are doing and they don't. The second prolo doctor i went to see what doing trigger points, when there was clear laxity lower back and upper neck and hip. He knew what he was doing that idiot.

    If you look at old prolotherapy studies like 1983 with sodium morrhuate you will see that the results got 80-90%. For some weird reason morruhate was banned in Canada, we get it from the USA. Dextrose prolotherapy was proven to be the same thing has taking a needle and inserting it to the injured site, does the same thing. Dextrose will bring blood to the injured site but xylocaine will kill the inflammation, and there you go.

    I have studied prolotherapy read all the studies and more and i tell you the only way to go is morrhate and salin anything else will lead to failure and frustration, dextrose will work for someone who is a couch patato and does not live an active life, i had dextrose prolo until last year when i went to mexico and trained in the resort gym, when i came back all my laxity had returned the pain was back and dextose did nothing we also went almost only dextrose treatments.

    I have been training for 3 months now doing 8 X 8 i can now do lat pullodwn with no pain before i had amazing trap pain and upper back pain same with side laterals i can now do them, amazing. I have been having morrhuate since September 2012 we screwed up some treatments due to the xylocaine effect we dropped the xylocaine and replaced with salin in December.

    My laxity is getting better despite my training with weights.

  7. #7
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
    AnabolicDoc is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 70sAesthetics View Post
    I am a 24yrs old, and have been out of the gym for a year. I have ligament laxity in a rib/ribs in my upper left back and chest. This causes pain, spasms, popping, cracking, snapping, sharp and dull aches and involuntary muscle twitching when relaxing from a cns malfunction. Ligaments seem to never heal especially when every breath you take and move you make the rib is moving.

    I had done 7 treatments of prolozone, which seemed to help alot but which got re-screwed up by a osteopath. And I was unsure how effective it was as so easily screwed up again.

    I have done 1 treatment of prolotherapy so far. The solution was hypertonic dextrose 12.5-20% (unsure) with 2IU's of GH. I am getting treatments like this every 2-3 weeks. With and estimation of 4-7 total.

    Now my question is, would me running HGH on my own accord be worth it? The doc was using 2IU's, which is nothing but remember he is injecting that directly into the rib ligament injury. If I ran my own HGH, I couldnt pin it into the injury site as I cant pin my ribs in my back and chest.

    I am still a natural with 3 years of solid training. I had
    Prolozone is a variant of prolotherapy that uses ozone as the proliferant. I'm not a fan of prolotherapy, although I'm sure it has its role in the right hands.

    I'm a huge fan of direct HGH injections for various indications. I had patello-femoral syndrome (aka Osteochindritis patallae). I had terrible pain, which results from the lack of cartilage beneath the knee cap (patella), causing inflammation as the knee cap is running up against the knee joint (femoral tibial joint). It started when I was on vacation in Israel several years ago and the pain was out of control. I saw a doctor there who gave me pain killers to last me until I got home. Obviously, long term painkillers was not a desirable or practical long-term therapy option for me. Although I am a huge believer of physical therapy, I was lazy and impatient. I wanted to stop the painkillers asap. I did some research and decided I wanted to get a GH injection in my knee, but it's not easy to find doctors who do this (and if they do, they usually don't take insurance). So I decided to do it myself. I filled a syringe with 10 units of GH, 4mg of dexamethasone (a corticosteroid similar to kenalog) and some lidocaine and injected it into my knee (as I have experience with joint injections). The pain never came back and this is now 4 years later.

    I'm not saying this will work for everyone or for any degenerative condition. In my situation I think the HGH caused the cartilage to regrow and the corticosteroid decreased the inflammation. The lidocaine was just for temporary pain relief. Now, I'm not suggesting that anyone do this themselves, but rather look into direct HGH injections as a treatment option by a doctor if you are suffering from some sort of degenerative condition. In my case, the cartilage beneath my knee cap had degenerated.

  8. #8
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is nothing in the world that will fix ligament laxity other then prolotherapy. Like i said stetch ligaments (ligament laxity) is like a when you stretch a leather belt, it does not come back has it was. Poor blood supply to ligaments prevent then from healing. Prolotherapy brings blood flow to theses ligaments and nutrients.

    But like i said people do not know what ligament laxity is, cracking, slipping clicking are all ligament laxity signs.

    Cortisone injections are the worst thing ever they will chew up cartillage and there are tones of studies on this on the internet. There are too many failed prolotherapist out there to make a difference, using dextrose and xylocaine is a sure case of failure.

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