Ok this is very strange,
I was training this morning(shoulders)
so on my first excercice, barbell press, I did a couple of sets for warm ups and then I put(my usual) 200lbs on the bar and did my set
BUT by the last couple of rep, I felt a pop, crunch or something in my chest close to my neck(close to the rib cage/neck/throught) and as I brought back the bar up, it did it again but more on the right side(very hard to explain)
So i stretched out and tryed it again, but felt some pressure on the lower neck/upper chest. I droped that exercice and went to do some lateral raise/ front raise/ bent over raise ect... and i was fine.
Now it does'nt hurt but I can feel some pressure on the neck/chest area when i'm standing strait.
Any clue please help thx