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Thread: Does this look ok I dont plan to use HCG with this one.Want to kill off what I have.

  1. #1
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Does this look ok I dont plan to use HCG with this one.Want to kill off what I have.

    Age 27, Height 5’9, weight 220, 15% body fat

    Well I have this stuff left over from past cycles and some other old purchases. I want to use it up but want to just double check with you guys that it is all right.

    Test E , Weeks 1 though 8, 600mg.
    Test E, Weeks 9 though 12, 750mg

    Methylstenbolone weeks 1 though 3, 12mg

    Methylstenbolone week 4, 15mg

    PCT 2 weeks after last poke, 3 weeks of nolva 40,40,20. Also clomid same time 50,50,50
    I have some other crap I will take to for pct to get rid of it like daa powder. Pine pollen, and Elk antler.

    I have all the liver support and everything else for the length of the cycle. I am really just trying to be cheap and use up what I have. Last cycle I used HCG but this one is way more mild so I don’t want to get some if i dont have to. It should be all set right? Also I will be taking arimidex .5mg eod not that that should matter to much to anyone. Let me know thanks.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243 View Post
    Age 27, Height 5’9, weight 220, 15% body fat

    Well I have this stuff left over from past cycles and some other old purchases. I want to use it up but want to just double check with you guys that it is all right.

    Test E , Weeks 1 though 8, 600mg.
    Test E, Weeks 9 though 12, 750mg

    Methylstenbolone weeks 1 though 3, 12mg

    Methylstenbolone week 4, 15mg

    PCT 2 weeks after last poke, 3 weeks of nolva 40,40,20. Also clomid same time 50,50,50
    I have some other crap I will take to for pct to get rid of it like daa powder. Pine pollen, and Elk antler.

    I have all the liver support and everything else for the length of the cycle. I am really just trying to be cheap and use up what I have. Last cycle I used HCG but this one is way more mild so I don’t want to get some if i dont have to. It should be all set right? Also I will be taking arimidex .5mg eod not that that should matter to much to anyone. Let me know thanks.
    Lol, I would include hCG bro.

    Why are you titrating you dose up in wk 9?

    And where are you on this chart?

    Does this look ok I dont plan to use HCG with this one.Want to kill off what I have.-bf-men.jpg

  3. #3
    drake4243's Avatar
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    I wish more than 1 person would give there opinon here. Anyways i ramp it up week 9 cause i like to it makes me feel good. This isnt what i wanted this thread to be about but really quickly. My first run a few years ago i ran test e 500mg 12 weeks like most people i would assume by week 7 not only was i not really gaining i was bored and i am not a fan of being bored. So every cycle since i ramp up the juice in the 4th qtr cause thats when i am at my best. My last run not only was i on a bunch of good stuff but i ran test e 750mg1st 4 weeks, 1000mg next 4 and 1250mg last 4 hahaha the 1250mg to much wont do that again i was really on edge to say the least but anyways i dont want this to be about that and i wont run more than 1000 again. but why do you think i need the HCG i guess i could go pick some up but this is pretty light my first 2 runs years ago i only used nolva and clomid and i was good and the only difference here is the test is a little higher than it was then. Do you really think i will need that much help rebounding? And can someone else say what they are thinking it would help alot thanks.
    Last edited by drake4243; 04-10-2013 at 07:38 AM.

  4. #4
    drake4243's Avatar
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    Does anyone else think i need it, or are you like me and think i dont any reasons why or why not? I thought this was supposed to be a place where people helped and understood how to cycle??????????

  5. #5
    kawika's Avatar
    kawika is offline Junior Member
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    I would agree with Mickey. You may feel like you might not need it, but if you have it, it can only help with your recovery. So why not take it. You want to stay cheap and so that would be the only part of this cycle You would have to purchase. Sounds like a win to me.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1. The Biggie: Testicular Atrophy. Men will see their testes get smaller over time and hurt constantly along the way. The duration for this event seems to be different in men where younger guys can seem to go longer where mid to older guys see the event happens on a more accelerated scale. Some think it happens to do with the amount of receptors on the Leydig cells...but who really knows.
    2. Sperm production is pretty much halted.
    3. Men's scrotum's will get really tight and pull up against the body causing pain and end up looking like a 5 year old.
    4. The testes are the single largest producer of the hormone Pregnenolone; the mother of all hormones ( We need Pregnenolone for so many reasons (read the link) and while it can be supplemented it's hit or miss on how effective supplementation can be for some men.

    Why we need hCG:

    1. To produce Pregnenolone; hCG activates the p450 side chain cleavage (p450scc) enzyme which converts cholesterol to Pregnenolone!!! (Read the link above, please.)
    2. To produce the precursors for DHEA, Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone and DHT...back filling the pathways (See #1 above)
    3. For proper and normal brain function
    4. For proper functioning of the testicles
    5. If men ever want to restart
    6. If men ever want to have children
    7. If men don't want balls that end up in a small mass of useless Collagen
    8. The list goes on...
    assguy22 likes this.

  7. #7
    RipOwens's Avatar
    RipOwens is offline Member
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    Is ur BF really 15%? I'm the same height and u outweigh me by 60 pounds...if so, nicely done.

  8. #8
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    haha Aright 3 is enough thanks guys I will get some I do love my balls after all. Thanks to those few who replyed

  9. #9
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RipOwens;64***59
    Is ur BF really 15%? I'm the same height and u outweigh me by 60 pounds...if so, nicely done.
    Yes i am thanks. Long story short i have had a great couple of years deiting. Also i have lived in the gym. I am normally really big before i started lifting 5 years ago i was about 275 Fat but still very athletic(for a fat guy). So its been hard but i have the frame for it.I just never want to lose it now i feel good and stong finally.

  10. #10
    RipOwens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243

    Yes i am thanks. Long story short i have had a great couple of years deiting. Also i have lived in the gym. I am normally really big before i started lifting 5 years ago i was about 275 Fat but still very athletic(for a fat guy). So its been hard but i have the frame for it.I just never want to lose it now i feel good and stong finally.
    Good stuff...and good luck on the this latest cycle! Post some updates if ya can

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