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Thread: Sling shot

  1. #41
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80 View Post
    This thread turned sideways. But kinda got the info I needed. Was mainly curious because when Ronnie talks about receptors burning out after 8 wks. So since I had the gear and wanted to get everything I could out of this cycle I was interested in the pros and cons.

    Sling shot is definitely not in my future. But was a thought.
    slingshot is designed for both recreational and competitive bodybuilders. Recreational bodybuilders run a 20 week cycle and 4 of those weeks are at TRT doses. Some recreational bodybuilers who are on TRT stay on year round focusing mainly on test. Dosages are not always increased with every cycle and sometimes never.

    Competitive bodybuilers use a more aggressive approach as I have explained many times.

    It's set up to work on an individualistic basis. I have always said testosterone cycles are much safer than those containing tren and Orals. The take home message is you can't go all out year round and keep gaining or prevent burn out. You have to employ periodization..
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-18-2013 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #42
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    slingshot is designed for both recreational and competitive bodybuilders. Recreational bodybuilders run a 20 week cycle and 4 of those weeks are at TRT doses. Some recreational bodybuilers who are on TRT stay on year round focusing mainly on test. Dosages are not always increased with every cycle and sometimes never.

    Competitive bodybuilers use a more aggressive approach as I have explained many times.

    It's set up to work on an individualistic basis. I have always said testosterone cycles are much safer than those containing tren and Orals. The take home message is you can't go all out year round and keep gaining or prevent burn out. You have to employ periodization..
    That's Ronnie. Def a good read. And maybe something down the line.

  3. #43
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    Dude Patrick how many times I have to tell you I'm not talking about 16 or 20 week cycles I did too 12 week cycles back to back myself without any ill effects and those were my first two cycles ever. I'm talking about people that blast and cruise for the remainder of their lives I'm talking years and decades

  4. #44
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Staying on cycle for 20 weeks will have consequences if you think the risks are worth trying then give it a try but for me running long cycles never agreed with me, I much prefer doing shorter cycle linked to a pre cycle prime which would give me more gains than any long cycle, less sides and are far more maintainable. Sling shot is for the advance competitor who isn't concerned about being on trt for life. There isn't one way what suit everyone you need to find out what compounds you respond best to and how your body responds to sides when staying on cycle for long periods of time, there is a massive down side to staying on cycle for a long time if your not already on trt.
    I'm just the opposite marcus but I am also on TRT for life at age 47. Started using testosterone at age 30.
    I get more side effects with short-high-dosed cycles. I tend to get strong too fast and develop tendon pain and my blood pressure goes up from the massive shock. I prefer more moderate dosages for longer periods. I do not like to yo-yo on and off testosterone. It makes me feel bad.

    I totally agree with you that some people will have more trouble recovering from a long cycle than others. I urge everyone to think about what they are doing before they start. I have yet to see anyone do just one cycle. Young people that are wanting kids need to be careful. I have never seen anyone become infertile doing a 20 week slingshot cycle. Some people like Titan can seemingly take steroids forever and not experience infertility while others cannot. There's many variables and no one has all the answers.

    Guys, you will only get so far with steroids , diet, and training. Next comes GH, insulin then Igf.
    Test, proviron , and GH make a great combo for making slow gains while still being able to feel good, have an awesome sex drive, and remain healthy.

    Many of my clients stay on anywhere from 500 to 1.5 grams of test for 8 weeks then deload using only 200 mgs. They do this for the majority of the year but this is not recommended for the younger recreational bodybuilder and I know marcus and others will agree!

    I like using 50 mgs of proviron daily along with my test to control estrogen, free up more test, and improve libido/hardness. I no longer go to extremes bulking up nor do I use Orals or tren . My health has improved and I feel it's much safer in the long run using this approach.

    The get big at all cost using just anabolics can come back to bite you later on down the road. Heart trouble should be your main concern! I see no point in going crazy with dosages unless you are competing at a national or pro-level. And even then you have to be smart and expect to do some form of damage if you abuse long term. Obviously, genetics play the largest role in how much muscle you gain from drugs and the side effects you will experience.

    At age 47 I feel like maintaining is gaining because I am not going backwards like most do when they get older. I can still add a little size on test only given I workout really intense with enough volume and up my protein intake beyond the point of being in my comfort zone.

    Be safe guys!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-19-2013 at 05:28 AM.

  5. #45
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I agree with Patrick to an extent. It would b harder to recover from doing two blast one cruise (18 weeks), but is possible with aggressive pct. however definitely not recommended for someone that knows very little in regards to aas

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    Slingshot consist of blasting for 16 weeks not 18. A 20 week slingshot cycle is not going to be any harder to recover from than the mainstream 12 week cycles that use to be in vogue.

    The biggest problem I see with testicular recovery is not using pharm grade HCG or even better pharm grade HMG! I see people taking clomid and nolvadex thinking that's PCT and it's not. HCG or HMG is what's needed to bounce back and pharm grade is the way to go.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I thin you've misinterpreted the whole idea

    Running 8 weeks test e @ 500mg isn't going to do anything

    It's about running high doses for short periods of time coming off for 2 weeks then hitting it hard again.

    Say if your average cycle was 500mg for 10-12 weeks you would bump this up to say 1g a week for 8 weeks

    (Figures are not exact so don't quote me please. Illustration purposes only)

    Come down to 250mg for 2 weeks and then ramp up again
    This is correct but you also can make further gains by staying at 500 mgs during the second reload/blast. It's a very individualistic matter and you can't continue going up in dosages forever or stay at high dosages. Everyone needs to approach the Slingshot method, etc, with great responsibility.

  7. #47
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    Not too many people know about hmg and I can't find out the correct dosing protocol would you happen to have one Ronnie?

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    This is correct but you also can make further gains by staying at 500 mgs during the second reload/blast. It's a very individualistic matter and you can't continue going up in dosages forever or stay at high dosages. Everyone needs to approach the Slingshot method, etc, with great responsibility.
    I agree 100% this is not something to be taken lightly at all
    Thanks for the info Ronnie good to see you posting in the q&a again

  9. #49
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    Ronnie is the man!!! Do you know if you were born with naturally high or low testostrone? If you had to do it all over again would you still do what you did and how you did it?

  10. #50
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    Ronnie is the man!!! Do you know if you were born with naturally high or low testostrone? If you had to do it all over again would you still do what you did and how you did it?
    I would imagine testosterone is low at birth. Really low. Pubert is when all that starts. Never seen a newborn with a beard or drooping balls before. If they have high test, you kniw they like breastfeeding more than the milk.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth

    I would imagine testosterone is low at birth. Really low. Pubert is when all that starts. Never seen a newborn with a beard or drooping balls before. If they have high test, you kniw they like breastfeeding more than the milk.
    Chuck Norris was born with a beard

  12. #52
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post

    Chuck Norris was born with a beard
    You know, I forgot about that, lol.

  13. #53
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    Haha you jerks
    What I meant by the question was after puberty and in your late teens early 20's how you're natty test was

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