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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Legal fat burning supplements?

    Are fat burners such as T6 etc very dangerous?

    If anyone has had any experiences good or bad that wouldnt mind sharing their experiences?

    Would it just be better to keep cutting natural?

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    I like caffeine, synephrine, green tea extract.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Any bad sideeffects?? trouble sleeping, heart palpatations,... trying to see if its risky?

  4. #4
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    Cutting natural is always better if you're getting results why fix something that isn't broke?

    As for legal fat burners. Define legal. CLA is proven in many studies to burn fat. It takes a lot of the supplement and needs to be used for a longtime. I've tried it's self and the results are much less then eye popping. Bottom line is I got better results when I decided to suck it up and stop adding creamer to my coffee.

    Now there are some legal research chems that are not for human consumption. That get fantastic results if you know what you're doing. Clen + diet + cardi = fat loss of 2% of your body fat. Going from a body fat of 20% to 18% using clen is not going to be noticeable at all and could have been achieved by simply avoiding a couple burgers a week. But using clen to drop from 10% to 8% you'll really see the difference. And if you know how to diet down to 10% natty when you come off the clen you know how to better diet to avoid a bounce back.

    T3 is another research chem. it took a long time and a lot of research before I was comfortable trying it.

    CLA, clen, and T3 are all fat burners that I have personal experience with. I'm NOT saying these are right for you. You should do your own research before putting anything in your body. This is just info to point you in a direction to do more information gathering on your own.

  5. #5
    Jon_Tren_Yin's Avatar
    Jon_Tren_Yin is offline New Member
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    ECA Stack, without the Aspirin?

    I personally run Caffiene and Ephedrine HCL, no real side effects as you get used to the Caffiene's jitters.

    Since Ephedrine a blood thickener (increases blood pressure), supplement it with something like fish oils that will help lower blood pressure.

  6. #6
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    I really like OxyElitePro. The old one with the 1,3 DMAA in it. Great appetite suppressant and a good fat burner to boot

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