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  1. #1
    fear on gear is offline New Member
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    Advice on Test P & Tren A cycle

    Hey guys,
    This will be my forth cycle ill be starting it in a August but I wanted to get feedback on what you guys think and how you could improve it.
    My first 2 cycles were Test only for 12 weeks and my latest one was Test P and Deca that went for 16weeks. PCT for all of them. Ive wanted to do Tren for a while but wanted to wait to see how I go on deca and was fine apart from a little acne on my back.

    At the moment im thinking 14weeks total:
    Test P 1-14 weeks 200mg eod (700mg/week)
    Tren A 1-12 weeks 150mg eod (525mg/week)

    Has anyone done similar? Is 150mg tren enough for 200mg test or should I go higher?
    My last cycle with prop was 150mg eod so wanted to increase that so im pretty sure I want test to stay at around 200mg its more getting the tren right to suit the test?


  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What are your full stats?
    body fat
    training expoerience

    How much size did you keep from your other cycles?
    What was your starting size/weight before cycle?
    How long has it been between cycles?

    What is your planned PCT

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fear on gear View Post
    Hey guys,
    This will be my forth cycle ill be starting it in a August but I wanted to get feedback on what you guys think and how you could improve it.
    My first 2 cycles were Test only for 12 weeks and my latest one was Test P and Deca that went for 16weeks. PCT for all of them. Ive wanted to do Tren for a while but wanted to wait to see how I go on deca and was fine apart from a little acne on my back.

    At the moment im thinking 14weeks total:
    Test P 1-14 weeks 200mg eod (700mg/week)
    Tren A 1-12 weeks 150mg eod (525mg/week)

    Has anyone done similar? Is 150mg tren enough for 200mg test or should I go higher?
    My last cycle with prop was 150mg eod so wanted to increase that so im pretty sure I want test to stay at around 200mg its more getting the tren right to suit the test?

    Just my 2 cents, 150mg of tren is plenty, also not to be assuming, but bro I don't believe you have enough expeirnce to run tren A, there r so many different compound you have not tryed and tren is the patient grass hopper....I say this because and I have seen it first hand!! Some ppl can't handle tren and it can affect thier personal lifes at work and relationships. You must have had great results with your test-deca cycle?

  4. #4
    fear on gear is offline New Member
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    Thanks for replying,
    Age: 24
    Height: 187cm (6"2)
    Weight: 94kgs (207.2pounds)
    Body fat: around 12%-14%
    Training: 6 years but only last 4 years seriously first 2 years were more socially than serious. (kicking myself for it)

    Kept most of my size on all cycles, lost around 2kg on deca test cycle but hard to say what was water weight and what was muscle. Doing measurements I only lost around .5cms on my chest and less on arms.
    My starting weight on first cycle was 76kgs finished on 81kg but was also fat gains during cycle.
    Second cycle started around 80kgs and finished on 85kgs
    Last cycle started at 89kg and finished around current weight now of 94kgs.
    I usually go cycle plus pct equals time off plus add a month or so. That's why its August when I want to start this cycle because that's 24 weeks since last cycle which was 16weeks cycle 4 weeks pct and another 4 weeks off.

    PCT is not cemented but usually is just nolva and clomid. Plus having spare nolva and Arimidex on hand during cycle.


  5. #5
    fear on gear is offline New Member
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    150mg sounds good then.
    I would do another deca cycle but I didn't like the water retention during cycle and already got 20ml of tren .
    What kind of concerns do you have about tren use? What kind of effects on personal life are you referring to?
    The only other thing I was thinking was doing 8weeks of deca and 6 of tren in the 1 cycle but people seem to advise against mixing deca and tren in the 1 cycle.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I would cut your Prop in half.

  7. #7
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Atomini has a great thread on tren . It's personal opinion but he talks quite a bit about a lower test dose than tren. Tren is the main workhorse of your cycle and the test is more there for TRT purposes. Take a look at it and see what you think

  8. #8
    seriouslifter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Atomini has a great thread on tren. It's personal opinion but he talks quite a bit about a lower test dose than tren. Tren is the main workhorse of your cycle and the test is more there for TRT purposes. Take a look at it and see what you think
    what would be a TRT dosage to work with tren ? 50mg EOD?

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriouslifter View Post
    what would be a TRT dosage to work with tren? 50mg EOD?
    That's exactly what im doing right now.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Cycle looks good to me. And i prefer more test than the nasty tren . Sleep, sex, appetite lack when there's more tren. Fine if you're a bodybuilder and doing for a short period. But for the everyday guy, nah. My .02.

  11. #11
    motoxposse's Avatar
    motoxposse is offline Junior Member
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    Read it its great advice on tren my .02 tren is way to high for first cycle 250-300 mgs a week is a great starting point also in the above link u don't have to run high test let the tren be the primary aas and take a HRT dose of test. However you probably will get better results with test a little higher I didn't notice anything on an AI or progesterone if u run the tren and test atominis thread u probably won't need an AI just some prami

  12. #12
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    I am doing the exact same, trt dose of prop @175mg/week 50mg/eod and 150mg/oed which is 525mg/week of tren a.

    The mental sides are sometimes pretty hard to deal with, but once you get over that it is good!

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