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Thread: adex dosages ?

  1. #1
    smc88 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010

    adex dosages ?

    hey, i've been using liquid stane from Ar-r as my AI for the last few week but my nipples are still sore and puffy (and im only taking a small amount of juice) so i've gotten my self some adex (which was pricey lol) so im just wondering what dosage to take ive got 1ml tabs and i was thinking about 1 eod will this be ok? also has anyone had any experience with adex from Ar-r ? is it as evective as the tabs ? if this works then i'll prob buy from there next time as its better value. cheers for any replies

  2. #2
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    I use arr and go .25 eod or e3d. Not sure of your cycle but that has worked well for me. 1 eod sounds very high but the vets will chime in soon to give better advice. Just telling what has worked for me on test only

  3. #3
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    Ar-r SERMs and AIs are good stuff and the dosing is very good. Quarter of a tab (.25mg) EOD should do the trick. I always go with liquid because you can adjust your dosing amount precisely.
    Last edited by Iron-56; 04-30-2013 at 02:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Start with 0.25mg eod.

  5. #5
    smc88 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-56 View Post
    Ar-r SERMs and AIs are good stuff and the dosing is very good. Quarter of a tab (.25mg) EOD should do the trick. I always go with liquid because you can adjust your dosing amount precisely.
    Yeah next time I think I'm going to go liquid breaking these tabs into 1/4s is going to be difficult they are tiny. Just wanTed some assurances that ar-rs stuff was as good as the tabs cheers

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