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  1. #1
    ejk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    Question Questions about urine steroid test results - Please Help!!

    3 people were tested for anabolic steroids with the following results that were all "negative" by the given labs ranges but had the following "positive" findings

    Person A: 33 y/o pregnant female:
    specific gravity 1.004
    epitestosterone 2.4 ng/mL
    creatinine 138 mg/L

    Person B: 31 y/o male - non-steroid user:
    epitestosterone 4.2 ng/mL
    creatinine 289 mg/L

    Person C: 40 y/o male - history of anabolic steriod use and possible current use
    testosterone 26 ng/mL
    epitestosterone 13 ng/mL
    testosterone/epitestosterone ratio 2.0
    creatinine 1387 mg/L

    So, while the lab results claim that the tests are "negative", person C has some strange numbers compared to person B. Why would male C have a testosterone level in his urine while male B does not? Also, same question for the ratio between the two. Finally, why is the creatinine level so high in person C? All I could find on the subject was that if the test were "altered" the level should be low from dilution.

    I would appreciate any help anyone can give me with these results.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Aug 2009
    Well, the main issue is that they weren't all tested for the same things.
    Obviously they all have testosterone , but only #3's results were listed.
    And the elevated creatinine could be from heavy creatine supplementation or a renal disorder.

  3. #3
    ejk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Well, the main issue is that they weren't all tested for the same things.
    Obviously they all have testosterone , but only #3's results were listed.
    And the elevated creatinine could be from heavy creatine supplementation or a renal disorder.
    They all did take the same test. The pregnant female was requesting the test on one of the males so she had to take it also just to be "fair" -- meaning she pay to take a $300 test with the rest of them. So, really the two males should be comparable in results if neither were using steroids , right? But they weren't and that's why I'm confused about the results.

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