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  1. #1
    bigbear411 is offline Junior Member
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    2nd cycle after some time off

    Hey Guys its been awhile! I am 29 (in 3 weeks) 240 19% bf been training for 10+ years between injuries and have done a prop var cycle. Right now I want to cut down so I have been eating clean trying to keep my calories around 2000-2250 with at least 300 grams of lean protein under 100 of carbs mostly fruits sweet potatoes and broccoli (for dinner that's all I have with me protein)

    Now I am getting 500 Ius of gh and was thinking about doing:
    2 ius for weeks 1-4
    2.5iu for weeks 5-6
    3 iu for weeks 7-8 (1.5 twice a day)
    4iu for week 9-24 (2 times a day)

    I was thinking about adding clen /t3 and maybe var for 6-8 weeks What do you guys think? and then week 16-24 do a test cycle my sust with var with the gh. Then a proper PCt of coarse.

    What do you guys think? Also Do i need anything special for gh pct?

  2. #2
    bigbear411 is offline Junior Member
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    is running running gh clen and var too much at once?

  3. #3
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Hey man!

    HGH should not be ran in 2nd cycle IMO.

    19% bf is too high to start cycle try to get to 16% before youll start.

    If you want to run it, I would definitely add TEST!!!

    No need to use clen or t3, bf will go down.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    bigbear411 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response... I am planning to get to around 16% before i start, i still need to pick it up.. Ive am down 10lb since my last bf% check but I am getting gains or ai guess you can say losses every week now just not as much as before. The main reason i am doing gh is I have a laundry list of injuries. I was planning on doing a test cycle later with the gh give it time to kick in... the first few weeks i was thinking about adding the other stuff to help out ten do a pct and around 4 months in the gh start a test cycle.

  5. #5
    bigbear411 is offline Junior Member
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    So my guy suggested the following:
    GH for the 6 months with t3/clen for 8 weeks then around week 14 Stat either Sust or cyp with eq with the t3 and clen Then PCT.

    Would this be oc? IS running thet3 and clen with a cycle at the end of my gh too much?

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