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  1. #1
    TheCrowing's Avatar
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    Depression question

    Hope this is the right place for this question. Apologies if not.

    I started a cycle of test enan. 600 mg/week and have only been on for 4 weeks but has rocked my freaking world. I know it affects everyone different but I'm almost positive it is what has started seriously started screwing with my head. I felt more than fine before cycle and thought it would only help but I was seriously wrong. I live a few hours from my family and its bad enough that I'm going home to be around them tomorrow and am making a dr. Appt. to talk it out about the way I'm feeling. I might get conflicting ideas about if its has had time to kick in which I'm sure it hasn't for gains. However my balls have already shrunk and my head started feeling this way about a week ago which isn't normal for me, so im pretty sure the gear is legit. Should I start pct right away without waiting on anything? I had bloodwork done before cycle and everything was normal but will get it done again when I can get in to see the doc. I'm getting off regardless even if the reason I'm feeling this weird is not from the gear. Just looking for the best way to do so immediately. Any other advice is appreciated. You dudes run a great community here. Cheers.
    Last edited by TheCrowing; 05-01-2013 at 08:26 PM. Reason: Error

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Tell us exactly what you are currently taking? Do you have any AIs on hand? HCG ? Do you have your PCT on hand?

    What are your stats?

    This could simply be poor estro control making you emotional... ever wonder why women are so Erratic with mood swings?

  3. #3
    TheCrowing's Avatar
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    Letro from AR at .25 per day and a multi. That's it. I'm 24 6'6" 215. It's pretty tough to explain the feeling but definitely way off and has me pretty worried about myself.

  4. #4
    TheCrowing's Avatar
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    I have clomid and the ldex on hand and that is all.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Letro at .25 ED is most likely too much for you. Drop that back to E3D

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    just saw your other post. Stop the letro and use ldex at .25 EOD. You most lkely crshed your E2. I would feel like shyt too

  7. #7
    TheCrowing's Avatar
    TheCrowing is offline New Member
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    Ok. And just give it a week and just try to stay positive? Stop pinning? Start pct? Thanks.

  8. #8
    TheCrowing's Avatar
    TheCrowing is offline New Member
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    Also if I'm reacting this way should I adjust pct when I actually do start??

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrowing View Post
    Ok. And just give it a week and just try to stay positive? Stop pinning? Start pct? Thanks.
    Thats up to you. I think you could salvage the cycle if you chose to but you need to dial in the AI. That dose of Letro was most likely too much and now you have to ride it out till your E2 level rebounds. You will be fine...just keep in mind its's the hormones

  10. #10
    Iron-56's Avatar
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    Same thing happened to me during my first cycle. The person who I purchased my gear from told me to take one 1 pill ED. Followed his adivce for about two weeks. Those pills turned out to be 1mg Arimidex tabs...

  11. #11
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-56 View Post
    Same thing happened to me during my first cycle. The person who I purchased my gear from told me to take one 1 pill ED. Followed his adivce for about two weeks. Those pills turned out to be 1mg Arimidex tabs...
    ouch... how long did it take to get all that shit out of your system? How did you feel at that dose?

  12. #12
    Iron-56's Avatar
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    Worst feeling ever. At one point I was scared for my life! After two weeks I asked around on a steroid board and got back to a normal dose. About a week and a half later I was feeling much better and the remainder of the cycle went smoothly.

  13. #13
    TheCrowing's Avatar
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    That is encouraging. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it guys. I feel that way even at the dose I was taking. Ill try to stick it out and let you know how it goes.

  14. #14
    vladan's Avatar
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    I had similar experiences especially after high androgenic cycles. Problem with depression I solved using Proviron . This is one of my personal favourites and I often use it in conjunction with Nolvadex as I find the two do work better together in my experience. Proviron will lighten your mood while not hinder the recovery of your natural secretion of testosterone .

  15. #15
    Black's Avatar
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    Just wanted to add that I have crashed my estrogen before as well, and it was terrible. It's been a while since I experienced low T, but I'd almost have to say low estrogen was worse.

  16. #16
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrowing
    That is encouraging. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it guys. I feel that way even at the dose I was taking. Ill try to stick it out and let you know how it goes.
    Adex or aromasin would be better in my opinion than using letro on cycle

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