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  1. #1
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
    Christopher_UK is offline Junior Member
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    Question 3rd cycle - Please can you cratique

    Hi there people, I'd really appreciate your advice with my 3rd cycle. I was wondering if you could assist me with putting together a cutting cycle, my first two cycles were for bulking and I've been bulking around 9 months now and have made some really great gains and would now like to cut to lose the added fat gain and water retention as I realise its not all about size and want to get as lean as I can between now and christmas.

    I was thinking of going test prop & winnie and I've done some research online and I've come up with this cycle, if I've made any mistakes or if you think this is wrong please let me know:

    12 week cycle:
    • weeks 1 – 8 test prop @ 100mg eod 1-10 weeks
    • weeks 1 – 8 winnie @ 100mg eod 1-10 weeks.
    • weeks 1 – 8 - HCG @ 250iu EOD
    • weeks 1 - 8 - Adex @ .25mg EOD
    • weeks 9 – 12 – Clomid @ 100/100/50/50
    • weeks 9 – 12 – nolva @ 20/20/20/20

    The one part I'm not 100% about is the dosage for winnie as I have seen some people suggesting 60mg ed. The second thing is, my last cycle was 14 weeks of test e & deca and I think I prefer the longer cycle as my first was only 8 weeks of test prop eod, well 12 weeks with pct but you know what I mean. So if I could do a longer 3rd cycle with test prop and winnie that would be great but if you tell me to stick to 8 weeks then I'll take your advice as I want to play it safe which is why I spend all the extra cash for the serms and pct

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Stats? Bf% especially. Winny isn't very useful unless you're at a low bf as it will not cut fat. It just hardens and ups vascularity

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Stats? Bf% especially. Winny isn't very useful unless you're at a low bf as it will not cut fat. It just hardens and ups vascularity
    Agreed. ^^

    Waiting for full stats.

    Use this template as a guide to help determine BF%.

    Attachment 137528

  4. #4
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
    Christopher_UK is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the responses so far,

    I've been training 6 years on september 1st. I'm 29 years of age, 6 foot 4 inches, and judging from your link I'd say somewhere between 20-25% bodyfat after my 9 month bulk on 5k calories ed.

    BTW, I have two weeks left on my previous cycle, and then 4 weeks of pct and then I'll be having 4 months off. So I plan to lose some serious weight in that time. I've already lowered my calories to 3k, I'm carb cycling, I'm doing more cardio and just generally doing more and working harder. I've already lost 3kg in past month so it's going quite well.

    The reason I am telling you all this is because by the time I start this 3rd cycle I will obviously be a lot leaner already as I will have cut for over 4 months by the time I even start the next cycle. One of the reasons I'm even getting this cycle sorted now is because my source text me just under a week ago and said that hes ordering for another lad and can get mine at the same time and will give me discount because hes getting it in bulk. And since it all usually cost me a lot each time I thought this makes sense if he'll knock off 10% or something.

    I do advocate the time on = time off principles which I researched and was told on this forum.

    Sorry for woffling on but just wanted to explain everything. If you dont think winnie will be any good for my 3rd cycle, what would you guys recommend?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 05-05-2013 at 06:14 AM.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Edit the price we arent allowed to talk about it.

    Im sry I can't help you with winstrol however 100mg seems pretty high...

  6. #6
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
    Christopher_UK is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry for taking ages between responses, been so busy with work/gym/girlfriend. I've been researching last night before bed and I spent a few hours browsing forums and seeing what other people are doing for their cycles and peoples opinions. After doing a lot of reading I see people moan a lot about winnie and its side effects and they mention two things which worry me, one about their joins hurting and the other about breething problems and I have asthma so have to be careful.

    So now I am kinda put off from winnie and I have been reading a lot of good things about Masteron and I feel almost convinced that this is the steroid for me as I've read loads of people say it's their favourite and explain why. The only thing that worries me is some say it can cause hair loss?

    What do you guys reckon? Do I have anything to worry about with hair loss or can I just go test+masteron?

    Thanks in advance.

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