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  1. #1
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle and im thinking of running test prop, masteron, and winni any comments?

    23 years old
    Training for 5 years off and on
    Bf% roughly 15%

    Hey everyone, i'm planning on starting my second cycle (cutting cycle)soon here it is let me know what you think...

    Test prop 100mg/EOD, masteron 50mg/EOD, winni tabs 25mg/ED(one in morning, one in the afternoon) arimdex .5mg/ED. And for pct, 3 days after last pin clomid 150mg/ED tapering down to 50mg/ED.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    This is a train wreck. What are your stats?
    Age - 23
    Body fat - 15~

    First. Mast is a waste unless you're at or under 10% bf. minimum 12%
    Mast should be 500mg or more weekly
    Your adex is at least double. Should be EoD not ED. Should start at .25 unless you know from previous experience you need more
    Winny and mast are both DHTs and will exert a similar effect. So if you're at a too high body fat for mast. Your too high for winny. If you're fine, pick one. They will do the same thing. Which is harden and up vascularity. Neither of which will show at 15% body fat. And neither will lower body fat
    Clomid is way too high. I wouldn't recommend over 100mg at a time.
    Where is your Nolvadex ? It's more important than clomid
    How long are you running pct

    As you can see you're lacking a lot of basic knowledge and I would encourage you to do your research.

  3. #3
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Another thing thing too add... I've been on a strict diet for the last month , and have been doing a really good cardio workouts, so I have those two squared away

  4. #4
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Sorry new to this site I filled out the info in my profile but I guess I dudnt add enough to the forum, im 23 years old 5'9" 190lbs, been athletic all my life. My goals are to loose the last little bite of belly fat that I cant seem to loose im solid everywhere else. As for the adex I ment to write EOD and with my last cycle I ran .5mg/EOD, my last cycle I ran dbol 50mg/ED for 2 weeks before starting my cycle and 2 weeks into it,suston 250 100mg/EOD with equipoise 100mg/Eod and I followed the pct for clomid that you guys have on the site, 150mg/Ed tapering down to 50mg/ED. Starting 3 days after last pin i was really impressed with my results from my first cycle, only thing was my face was a little bloated due to bad dieting, but i have that under control now.That what our people I know have done and worked out fine, and as far as I know from research and even this site, you only need to chose one clomid or nolvadex for 6 weeks starting I know I want to run test prop, maybe you can suggest others to stack with it?


  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    You should use both nolva and clomid. IF you choose to use one Nolvadex is significantly more important to run than clomid.
    Losing that body fat is going to be diet and cardio for 95% of it. Nothing will really make it disappear. You can look into running a clen /keto combo or T3 while you're on cycle but those will just assist. And if you're not dieting to cut the weight and doing the cardio to lose the weight you will not lose any excess body fat anyway.

  6. #6
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Another to add masteron is a dht steriod anti estrogen wouldnt that be good? What if I cut the winni out and went test prop 400/week, tren 200/week and mastron 200/week pinning EoD

  7. #7
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Diet and cardio are more important at your age / stage
    Too young to cycle and trying to use too many compounds IMO

  8. #8
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Ive been on top of my diet and cardio I have thoughs under control as of right now I just want that little boost,

  9. #9
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    You are in no way ready to be mixing compounds at your age let alone a test only cycle which you would have used if you researched this site!!

  10. #10
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    So your saying stop cause im at too young of an age, all I want is a lil boost i ran my first cycle and everything went fine? I have been training hard and dieting correctly, and i still have a little flab around the gut I cant get rid of, I just want to loose it and harden up? Any suggestions or just diet and cardio?

  11. #11
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    It's your second cycle... Don't even think about touching tren first off.
    Second mast and winni will not make you lose bady fat in any capacity
    Diet and cardio is 95% of it. It really is...

  12. #12
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Any thought on prop and anavar ? With strict diet and cardio?

  13. #13
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Tren is the strongest compound you can before research my friend advice on here is to help you not hinder your progress

  14. #14
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    You are getting advice but not listening..... Once again throwing stacks together is not for you at this stage!!!!!

    Listen my friend!!!!

  15. #15
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    I have struggled with my weight over 25 years and yes I've made mistakes but learned.

    This site wasn't around then and I'm 46 now and still learn something new everyday

    Hard work will yield you your results you crave it may take longer and you will have to work harder but steroids are no miracle fix but believe me they will mess you up big time

  16. #16
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	1193 
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ID:	138601

    This is what I'm dealing with right now do you guys think I was correct with 15% or is it higher or lower

  17. #17
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    No offence but you don't even look like you lift let alone have completed a cycle.

    You are closer to 20%. You need to lift and diet hard for at least 6 months before you even consider considering any cycle.

    Hit our nutrition forum and lifting section, there's plenty of help waiting for you there.

    Do you have a little gyno under your right nipple?
    Last edited by Back In Black; 05-12-2013 at 02:31 PM.

  18. #18
    j.a.g is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    Kk thanks for the advice everyone, and no just a bad angle , my right side of my chest is tighter than my left though

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