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  1. #1
    SuperVision's Avatar
    SuperVision is offline New Member
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    Annoying & Nagging Injuries on Cycle

    So i'm running a T400 cycle 1cc a week and I'm being bombarded as the title says..

    Week 2 -test flu
    week 3 -forearm tendonitis
    week 5- knee pain
    week 6 - very sore lower back (needed advil to get out of bed)
    week 8 - left shoulder pain (when lifting the arm)

    I'm guessing its because my muscles are growing fast and my weights are increasing, which is straining my tendons and joints.

    I'm taking glucosamine sulfate; but it doesn't seem to be helping much as my AI is drying my joints out a bit.

    Do you guys just push through it, bite the bullet and train hard or do you regroup and let it affect you by taking a couple days off?

    Started at 185lbs. Now at 206lbs.

  2. #2
    livingthedream is offline Junior Member
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    Last cycle I kept breaking my 1rm every single workout and by the end of the cycle I was super beatup. This cycle I am going into it a little sore so I'm not going anywhere near my 1rm. And that is enabling me to keep training and seeing gains. Also if you have health insurance see a physio or athletic therapist. I see one at least every other week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    You're just taking T400 and an AI? How much AI are you taking?

  4. #4
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Yep, just suck it up and deal with it. You gotta take the bad with the good.

  5. #5
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    Be careful that you are not getting too exited and breaking form to increase weight. Beast mode is great but not if your hurting yourself. Chiro does wonders for my lower back..

  6. #6
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
    BuzzardMarinePumper is offline Knowledge Member on Prostate Cancer
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    53 and on TRT + HGC 250 mg of Cyp a week 100 of NPP a week and 220 mg of Prop a week I swear by TB-500 which is a tissue builder and once you front load it into your system take 1 mg per week for ever on and off cycle . No 3rd day recovery pain and it made it possible for me to avoid a rotator cuff surgery

    It is the real deal and I have found a very reasonable peptide site, not sure if sponsor carries it or not ?

  7. #7
    SuperVision's Avatar
    SuperVision is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You're just taking T400 and an AI? How much AI are you taking?
    I'm taking Arimidex 0.25 EOD.

    Yea I'll drop the weight a little bit and increase the reps, focusing on good form. It's hard sometimes though when you just want to all out smash a workout and 4 plates on the tbar feels easy.

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