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Thread: Quick Question

  1. #1
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Quick Question

    Finished my 12 week cycle of test E, waiting another 10 days before I begin PCT. At what point in time do I start training with less volume? I was doing 5x a week split 6-7 workouts for 3-4 sets, I am going to do a 4x split chest/tri back/bi shoulders/traps legs 3-4 sets and 3 workouts each body part. Sound like a good plan? Just not sure when to bring the volume down I'm guessing when I start my pct...? Thanks!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What do you mean? The amount of time you spend in the gym or lowering your weights? Why would you change anything? You might lose some strength but you'll know when that happens.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Basically I did 6-7 workouts for each muscle group so for example my back day went like this:
    Deadlift 145x10 225x10 275x8 315x3
    Pullups 10/10/10/10
    Lat Pulldowns 4 sets
    The exercise where you put your knee on a flat bench and raise up the dumbell to work your back 4 sets
    Rear Delt 3-4 sets + drop set
    Tbar Row 4 sets

    I feel these types of workouts will be too much for me while recovering and off, and it would be better to bunch in body parts such as back/bicep and maybe do Deadlift x4 sets, 2-3 other back exercises then 2-3 bicep exercises... I feel like doing 6-7 would be too much off of gear? Also wondering when do I stop with all the volume, before pct or during? So I think what I am saying is the time I spend being less sorry for not being very clear!!

    And this is kind of off topic but I lowered my arimidex doses and libido is right back !! Seems like 0.5 eod is too much for me. So I came to the conclusion that my estrogen levels were probably too low
    Last edited by brazuka; 05-20-2013 at 04:58 PM.

  4. #4
    sniper320's Avatar
    sniper320 is offline Member
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    Hey Brazuka, Have a read thro this sticky, might be what you are looking for!

    AAS- Tips on keeping gains for the moderate user*

  5. #5
    orbitz21's Avatar
    orbitz21 is offline Junior Member
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    I thought you should increase your workout when you get off cycle

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Just eat like a beast.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Just eat like a beast.
    Kk !! My job is so awesome when it comes to an awesome eating schedule, wake up eat breakfast at 7:00am. Eat 600 calorie snack at 9:00 am. Eat lunch 11:30 am. Eat 600 calorie snack at 2:00pm. Eat decent size snack at 4:00pm. Get home 5 take pre workout go to gym. Post workout shake then cottage cheese before bed. Going to continue to eat like crazy!! By the way my snacks are 1/2-1cup ezekiel cereal with one cup of milk and a banana, very clean decent protein decent calories and carb loaded!
    Last edited by brazuka; 05-20-2013 at 05:06 PM.

  8. #8
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sniper320 View Post
    Hey Brazuka, Have a read thro this sticky, might be what you are looking for!

    AAS- Tips on keeping gains for the moderate user*
    Also thank you sniper, I bookmarked the link as I will be needing it soon

  9. #9
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Less volume is a bad idea and a good way to lose your gains.

  10. #10
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    I personally think your doing too much anyway

    Pic 3-4 exercises for that group do a warm up set then smash it to failure around 6-8 reps max
    Drop the weight a little do it to failure
    No need for loads of reps and sets
    You want to tare them fibres up
    Go heavy and hard

  11. #11
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I personally think your doing too much anyway

    Pic 3-4 exercises for that group do a warm up set then smash it to failure around 6-8 reps max
    Drop the weight a little do it to failure
    No need for loads of reps and sets
    You want to tare them fibres up
    Go heavy and hard
    kk thanks for the advice!! just finished my chest workout and by the way your title is red... i remember you being blue? if it got changed congratulations!! i remember you by your avie lol. also you recommend the above advice while recovering on pct and after as well?

    also unrelated note... I feel sooooo good right now!!!! I wasnt feeling that great when my libido was shot maybe a week ago and my estrogen was too low now i got it under control and I feel so good!!! Never did any kind of rec drugs in my life and never will I don't need that shit, this feeling is the best!! wooooooo lol thankyou everybody!!! beastmode, such a good stress reliever life is good everything is fine
    Last edited by brazuka; 05-20-2013 at 08:28 PM.

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