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Thread: Test E. vs Test C.

  1. #1
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test E. vs Test C.

    Why do we need two different esters that do the same thing? I mean is one any different from the other?

  2. #2
    yosimitesam's Avatar
    yosimitesam is offline Associate Member
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    You're right, they're very, very similar. Aside from 1-carbon ester difference (Enanthate -7/Cypionate -8), and the general availability, depending on which country you live in (Cypionate is more commonly available in the U.S.), you won't notice much if any difference between the two.

    Cypionate technically has a longer acting half life and is slower releasing due to it being a bit more oil soluble. That's on paper, though, and in all practicality, I'm not sure you'd notice much of a difference between the two. Also, enanthate has more testosterone per mg, but again, it's essentially insignificant.

    Hope that helps....
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  3. #3
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yosimitesam View Post
    You're right, they're very, very similar. Aside from 1-carbon ester difference (Enanthate -7/Cypionate -8), and the general availability, depending on which country you live in (Cypionate is more commonly available in the U.S.), you won't notice much if any difference between the two.

    Cypionate technically has a longer acting half life and is slower releasing due to it being a bit more oil soluble. That's on paper, though, and in all practicality, I'm not sure you'd notice much of a difference between the two. Also, enanthate has more testosterone per mg, but again, it's essentially insignificant.

    Hope that helps....
    In regards to pct, you typically will start pct from a cyp cycle 18 days from last pin; 14 days for enanthate. Another example of ester length. But I agree, pretty much the same stuff and it comes down to availability.
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  4. #4
    Zodiac85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yosimitesam View Post
    You're right, they're very, very similar. Aside from 1-carbon ester difference (Enanthate -7/Cypionate -8), and the general availability, depending on which country you live in (Cypionate is more commonly available in the U.S.), you won't notice much if any difference between the two.

    Cypionate technically has a longer acting half life and is slower releasing due to it being a bit more oil soluble. That's on paper, though, and in all practicality, I'm not sure you'd notice much of a difference between the two. Also, enanthate has more testosterone per mg, but again, it's essentially insignificant.

    Hope that helps....
    There would be a noticeable difference between test-e and test-prop? Noticeable as in, it would kick in faster and leave faster? Meaning you'd have to pin more often? But since test is test, the overall gains over the entire cycle would be similiar? Are there other advantages to the shorter ester like prop?

    Don't mean to hi-jack the thread, I can start a new one if that's more appropriate.

  5. #5
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiac85 View Post
    There would be a noticeable difference between test-e and test-prop? Yes Noticeable as in, it would kick in faster and leave faster? Yes Meaning you'd have to pin more often? YesBut since test is test, the overall gains over the entire cycle would be similiar? Yes Are there other advantages to the shorter ester like prop? Yoiu typically run a shorter cycle, about 8 weeks and if you're new to cycling, prop isn't a good way to wet your feet...especially if you aren't used to pinning.

    Don't mean to hi-jack the thread, I can start a new one if that's more appropriate. You're good man!
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 06-18-2013 at 07:40 PM. Reason: spelling

  6. #6
    Zodiac85's Avatar
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    Most people recommend test-e or c for first cycle. I'm guessing that means stay away from the blends too (for first cycle)?

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiac85

    Most people recommend test-e or c for first cycle. I'm guessing that means stay away from the blends too (for first cycle)?
    I don't like blends. You really don't know for sure hiw much of each compound you are getting but that's just my opinion
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  8. #8
    Zodiac85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I don't like blends. You really don't know for sure hiw much of each compound you are getting but that's just my opinion

  9. #9
    yosimitesam's Avatar
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    Not a big blend fan, either. Mainly for the different acting esters would typically command different dosing schedules, as well as separate dosages.

    Also, like the others have said, prop isn't the greatest to begin with. For one, you should inject it no later than every other day for it to be really effective, and it's also a rather painful injection.

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
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    MOST people wouldnt know the difference. VERY similar in action IMO.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I don't like blends. You really don't know for sure hiw much of each compound you are getting but that's just my opinion
    Well, your opinion counts.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    yosimitesam's Avatar
    yosimitesam is offline Associate Member
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    I would say yours does, too, kelkel, with those monster calves.

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