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  1. #1
    aaa7 is offline New Member
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    Looking for some help/advice

    Hi guys,
    So I am currently on a Dbol test e cycle. I am into week 11 doing a 12 week cycle.
    I have recently found out that work is sending me to Brazil the week I am meant to be starting my PCT.
    Just looking for some advice on whether you can travel with it on the airplane or if it would easy enough to find something over there or if there are any other suggestions. Also if it did get caught what would happen.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    I'd stop & start pct as soon as possible & try to get in as much as you can before you leave. I'm not a fan of flying with any chemicals I don't have a prescription for. But I'm sure someone else knows more about doing this than I do.

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    call up a pharmacy in brazil and ask them if you need a prescription for nolva and clomid..

  4. #4
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    I'm not sure if the laws/steroid scene has changed in Brazil, but I have friends that went there a few years ago. They said you can pretty much get anything you want in most of the gyms down there. AAS, AIs, PCT meds ect. If thats the case, I can't imagine having a hard time getting clomid and nolva at a pharmacy wo a script. I've brought meds/pills into thailand. If its just nolva and clomid, I'd just throw them in with your toiletries along with some advil/immodium. Chances are customs isn't gonna hassle you over that shit.

  5. #5
    aaa7 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the ideas guys, I'll look into both of them. Just want to try and work it out now rather then getting into trouble in Brazil

  6. #6
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaa7 View Post
    thanks for the ideas guys, I'll look into both of them. Just want to try and work it out now rather then getting into trouble in Brazil
    Of course. Its always smart to find out for sure, before hand, bc who knows if any of us really know what the fck we're talking about, ya dig? Wouldn't want being responsible for someone getting locked up to be on my conscience. d.

  7. #7
    pasha is offline Associate Member
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    whats up bro, yea agree with above, just put your pct in your toiletries.. been to brazil several times never had my bags open.. and if you do they will not even look at your nolva or clomid.. its not even a big deal.. as far as getting it there.. it should be easy but do you speak portuguese?... i would just bring the pct with me.

  8. #8
    aaa7 is offline New Member
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    thanks man, would you suggest changing the package they are in or would you just have it in the original packaging? finding it hard to find alot of info on brazils customs. nah dont speak Portuguese

  9. #9
    aaa7 is offline New Member
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    or i my other thought was maybe mailing it to the hotel i will be staying at when i arrive, thoughts?

  10. #10
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Mail it.

  11. #11
    pasha is offline Associate Member
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    The customs in brazil if they open your bags they are looking to see if you bringing a suitcase full of expensive gifts such as computers and you are not declaring it on the form for taxes.. which you are not, right.. so no worries.. they dont know there what clomid or nolva is.. if customs lets say looks at your toiletries in my mind i dont think they will even say anything.. if they ask you say its a testosterone buster or If it was me, i would not be concerned with nolva or clomid in my bags. in my mind even if they knew what it was you still would not get in trouble.. there are not worried about the small stuff.. because after all pct is not illegal.. you need a prescription but no one, NO ONE there cares. But after all bro this is just my thoughts and opinion, but do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

  12. #12
    tgunn's Avatar
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    I've done it once before.. I put the nolva in an ibuprofen bottle and the clomid in a Tylenol bottle on my Vegas trip.. Worked for me, they don't know the difference..

  13. #13
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
    Chx beach 79 is offline Senior Member
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    You have been taking dbol for 11 weeks?

  14. #14
    aaa7 is offline New Member
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    thanks tgunn, might give that a shot, if i were to mail it would i mail it to the hotel or would i mail it to a pickup courier spot there? sorry for all the questions just want to know details

    No, i took dbol at the start of the cycle for 5 weeks

  15. #15
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pasha View Post
    The customs in brazil if they open your bags they are looking to see if you bringing a suitcase full of expensive gifts such as computers and you are not declaring it on the form for taxes.. which you are not, right.. so no worries.. they dont know there what clomid or nolva is.. if customs lets say looks at your toiletries in my mind i dont think they will even say anything.. if they ask you say its a testosterone buster or If it was me, i would not be concerned with nolva or clomid in my bags. in my mind even if they knew what it was you still would not get in trouble.. there are not worried about the small stuff.. because after all pct is not illegal.. you need a prescription but no one, NO ONE there cares. But after all bro this is just my thoughts and opinion, but do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
    Yeah dude... it's literally like taking blood pressure medicine, or anti depressents or something like that on a plane with you. Customs doesn't give a shit about Nolva and clomid. Its good you're being careful, but I think that you're over thinking this a little. I've brought proviron , clomid, nolva through US customs a few times. They literally looked at em for a sec and moved on. They're looking for bigger fish. They aren't gonna waste their time hassling you over some anti estrogen and fertility drugs lol. I wouldn't try to disguise them either. That'd look suspicious. If you're that worried, mail it to where ever you'll be staying.

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