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Thread: test e, tren e, mast e

  1. #41
    2144bill is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Well if you had a clue you would understand that Mast is NOT for estrogen sides. Congrats on you supposed wins.
    No it's not going to stop estrogen under any sercumstances. How ever it does lower the chance of estrogen side effects, how ever def should not used as a ai. How ever it's a good cycle and he with find great results if everything in check. Sorry to come of that way thought you where criticising the cycle all together.

  2. #42
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2144bill View Post
    No it's not going to stop estrogen under any sercumstances. How ever it does lower the chance of estrogen side effects, how ever def should not used as a ai. How ever it's a good cycle and he with find great results if everything in check. Sorry to come of that way thought you where criticising the cycle all together.
    I think the problem is just how you worded it originally..."Masteron is for estrogen sides". Masteron apparently has been reported to interact with aromatase enzymes and/or compete for the estrogen receptors, therefore reducing e2 sides, but of course Masteron is utilized for its hardening and androgenic affects.

  3. #43
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedauser View Post
    Tons of threads and great information on this topic. So here is what I was thinking for myself.

    Second cycle.
    12% body fat or so

    I am still unsure of the benefits of Test prop, tren Ace, and mast prop vs test e, tren e, and mast e other than the length of cycles and their half life's. Results seen to be almost identical.

    Now, I've done 500mg if test e for 10 weeks and 100mg of anavar for 7 weeks. I liked the entire experience a lot. Looking to raise the stakes a bit.

    500mg of Test e 1-12
    350mg of tren e 1-12
    750mg of mast e 1-12

    Aromasin on hand
    hcg 250iu twice a week 6-14

    Nolva and Clomid 15-19

    Looking to get to 190lbs is all. More concerned with LBM.

    I am hoping to hear experiences on low dose tren cycles to help keep night sweats down. I'm not concerned with head aches. Just night sweats really. How the results went on this type of dosing.
    If your more worried about getting your BF% down why wouldnt you do the fast acting esthers my advice would be a Test Prop, Tren ace cycle then if you wanted you could put Avar in at the end, or even run clen while on your PCT, that with a half decent diet that would get you to your goals easily.
    As for the dosages the standard is 250test and 350 tren A. HOWEVER you stated that your worried about night sweats ... my sides were actually pretty minimal from the tren but the worst 1 by far was the night sweats, i would go through 3 towels a night and just have it absolutely dripping off me. My advice to combat it is find a good anti-persprint deoderant that keeps you dry (i found the roll on 1 the best) and just roll it over your arms, shoulders, chest, stomach and of course underarms right before bed.

  4. #44
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2144bill View Post
    No it's not going to stop estrogen under any sercumstances. How ever it does lower the chance of estrogen side effects, how ever def should not used as a ai. How ever it's a good cycle and he with find great results if everything in check. Sorry to come of that way thought you where criticising the cycle all together.
    Since your Aus, do you know where to see the calender events for next year?>

  5. #45
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Go re-read about Mast. pls. You have it wrong
    "masterone is for estrogen sides"

    I believe it is Masteron without an e on the end.
    But what a fvcked up thread all around ...crazy mike

  6. #46
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    What about these doses then:

    250mg of Test
    350mg of tren
    600mg of.Masteron

    All long esthers

    Utilizing the fat burning properties of tren, hardening effect of Masteron, and the test to keep me, me.

    Hoping to put on a few pounds, but lean out while getting a nice vascular effect

  7. #47
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    Also trying to keep bloat/water weight down. Hoping that the properties of tren focus more on fat burning than anything else. That, coupled with a solid diet and masteron is where i'm hoping to achieve and very vascular, lean, hard look.

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