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  1. #1
    Hypertroph is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    Smile Any thoughts on my advanced lean gain cycle (AAS,T3,T4,HGH,Clen)

    Looking to do a leangain cycle about 6 months long before a show, i have done many cycles with various results, got set back alot last year when i lost over 30lbs due to illness

    First off some stats:
    Height: 5,8
    Weight: 203 lbs
    Fat% : 10,32 (i meassure with skinfold caliper)

    Arms: 17.3
    Chest: 48
    Waist: 32
    Legs: 25.2

    Looking to lean out some more, down to around 8% and pack on some more size (mostly on my hamstrings and side delts and lats)

    The cycle i am thinking of doing is as follows

    1-20 500mg Test-e (pharm grade)
    1-10 600mg EQ
    1-10 400mg Tren -e
    1-4 8-12 16-20 50mcg T3 ED, will use 100mcg of T4 ED trough the whole cycle
    1-20 HGH
    (this all depends if i can get my package trough the customs, have ordered some legit **********s) Will start with 3iu ED and ramp up to 7-8iu a day depending on how much i can get a hold of, i also have GHRP-6 on hand if not)

    And every other week i'll run 80mcg of clen

    Thinking about maybe trowing in some slin in a low dose prior to HGH injection

    Using Arimidex 1mg eod for estrogen control and various supps for organ support.

    Diet will be:
    300g Protein, 400 grams of carbs and 100gram of fats

    Your thoughts will be appreciated

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Mar 2012
    Why T3 and T4?

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Cialis, Texas
    Many cycles? Can you be specific? Curious how many cycles you could run by age 24.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
    cj220 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Run the eq thru out...why stop at week 10...10 isn't long enough.t3 at 50mcg and t4 100mcg is perfect...Personally Tren e I don't like...If u hafta run tren e run it 200mg eod..If u can run tren a 100mg eod for 8weeks u will have better gains...I would run the tren up to the last 4weeks..GH is a great product but at 3iu ed if have never used it imo u should use ur cash for other AS...U seem lean and prolly have a high metabolism gh at ur age isn't necessary unless u wanna bulk...and that takes 3-4 times the amount of product needed that ur prolly wanna pay...Keep it simple

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