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  1. #1
    dren's Avatar
    dren is offline Associate Member
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    Could Armidex have messed me up?

    So last year when I attempted to do a cycle and the product was bunk. I used I think 1mg per day. Because the winstrol capsules was also Armidex.

    Since then I observed I lost almost all my strength, after that 6 weeks of using just anti estrogen everyday. I didn't workout after that up until a few months ago.

    Now it usually takes me 3 months to be back into it.
    Here was my lifting stats at max
    Leg press 36 45lbs
    Dumbbell press 130/ hand
    Peck flys 90/ hand

    Here are my stats today
    Leg press 12 45lbs
    Dumbbell 80/ hand
    Cable flys 22.5

    I'm getting depressed now, and my blood work hasn't come back yet

    I did do a detox after the 6 weeks but I didn't go full out on it

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Sounds like you crashed your E2.
    Your stats on strength don't make sense to me. I can't figure out what you are talking about,, maybe me. ...crazy mike

  3. #3
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    So last year when I attempted to do a cycle and the product was bunk. I used I think 1mg per day. Because the winstrol capsules was also Armidex.

    Since then I observed I lost almost all my strength, after that 6 weeks of using just anti estrogen everyday. I didn't workout after that up until a few months ago.

    Now it usually takes me 3 months to be back into it.
    Here was my lifting stats at max
    Leg press 36 45lbs
    Dumbbell press 130/ hand
    Peck flys 90/ hand

    Here are my stats today
    Leg press 12 45lbs
    Dumbbell 80/ hand
    Cable flys 22.5

    I'm getting depressed now, and my blood work hasn't come back yet

    I did do a detox after the 6 weeks but I didn't go full out on it

    Any ideas?
    So you ran Winny without test? Which later turned out to be adex as well? Why would use 1g of adex everyday in the 1st place? 0.50mg every other day is more than enough.

    Even if Winny was real deal, without test as a base and 1g of adex ed, will make you feel like crap. You do know that winny will shut you down right?

  4. #4
    truckin001's Avatar
    truckin001 is offline Junior Member
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    I started running 1mg per day of dex in the middle of my cycle and felt like pure crap. If I remember correctly I had done 4 days of 1 mg dex and by day 6 I felt horrible. So I took a week off the dex and then .25 ed after that.

  5. #5
    dren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DexterMorgan View Post
    So you ran Winny without test? Which later turned out to be adex as well? Why would use 1g of adex everyday in the 1st place? 0.50mg every other day is more than enough.

    Even if Winny was real deal, without test as a base and 1g of adex ed, will make you feel like crap. You do know that winny will shut you down right?
    Sorry I was running bunk everything except adex.
    Bunk test
    Bunk winni

  6. #6
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    Sorry I was running bunk everything except adex.
    Bunk test
    Bunk winni
    Jesus man, how did you survive those 6 week lol. Crushed E2 should jump back up fairly quick tho.

  7. #7
    dren's Avatar
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    Well..... Was really shitty, was passing out when I was posting on here.
    But I don't know how anything could be possible that I can loose over 50% off my strength.
    I had posted in the TrT section also, because I wasn't even feeling horney at all for about a month, but it seems to be just stress from my business, but I'm back to feeling normal with that now.

  8. #8
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    Well..... Was really shitty, was passing out when I was posting on here.
    But I don't know how anything could be possible that I can loose over 50% off my strength.
    I had posted in the TrT section also, because I wasn't even feeling horney at all for about a month, but it seems to be just stress from my business, but I'm back to feeling normal with that now.
    AS per my other post , you crashed your E2 alight. Same when I did it. I was nodding out while on the computer on the forum....ha! It was a drag...oops a pun ..crazy mike

  9. #9
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    My E2 is crashed from Letro right now and it's awful I feel your pain man. Only thing you can do is keep after it it'll jump back quickly enough. And 1mg/day is way too much unless you're running retarded amounts of test anyway

  10. #10
    dren's Avatar
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    I thing you guys are missing the point, I have already recovered. It's 1 year later.
    And my question is
    How is it possible I lost over 50% of my strength, can it be caused by some damaged from using high dosage of armidex, who knows maybe the winni was not adex but something els

  11. #11
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    I thing you guys are missing the point, I have already recovered. It's 1 year later.
    And my question is
    How is it possible I lost over 50% of my strength, can it be caused by some damaged from using high dosage of armidex, who knows maybe the winni was not adex but something els
    Simple again...If you and we don't know what you were taking, WTF do we know what your problem is. "Could Armidex have messed me up" wasn't that the thread ??? Well where did I not understand the Q.
    Now what is the question, uh ? "I don't have a clue as to what I took and now a yr later I'm fvcked up, can you guys tell me why" Maybe that's your Q. ???
    You don't know what you took but you want us to tell you WHAT ?? I'm trying here....crazy mike

  12. #12
    Money Talks is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    I didn't workout after that up until a few months ago.

    Any ideas?
    So let me get this straight, you did not work out at all for almost a year, and now you are wondering why you lost strength?

  13. #13
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    If everything was fake except the adex it's probably as simple as crashed E2... It bounces back fairly quickly and won't be affecting you this late still. Not even close.

    I have NO idea what your weight stays are... Some don't compare to each other, different exercises, you picked odd ones... Cables? Wtf? Where's your standard Beach, squats, dead lift, pull downs, pull ups, curls, anything really... Mixing exercises and just throwing numbers out there tells us nothing.

    Correct me if I'm wrong... But you said you didn't work out for some time after that... So crashed hormones+months without lifting= lost gains. It's really that simple

  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    All of what i'm referring to. On my one of my first posts I said I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about like :
    Dumbbell 80/ hand
    Cable flys 22.5

    So where is simple bench and pull downs etc..
    I'm not trying to get on you but this is a screwy thread. You asked a Q' about AI and we answered it and so now. Well I told myself I would quit getting my pants in a wad over these nutty threads. Good luck my man. ...crazy mike

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