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  1. #1
    Hitithard is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Questions about upcoming cycle

    Hey guys...
    Im 26yrs old and used my first cycle when I was playing baseball in college at age 19. sus 250 w/ deca 250... Great gains and strength but lost most of it due to lack of roper knowledge. Havent used anything since and Im wanting to put on some serious size. Im 6/2 185 and I struggle to keep weight on due to working in the heat everyday. I have good lean muscle and ready to do my diet, workouts and cycle the right way... What would you guys recommend? I would like to minimize side effects as much as possible but want good gains. Thanks in advance and I really appreciate you help

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Although most people who post for first cycle advice without having researched the forum would like to be hand fed a tailored answer it just doesn't work like that here. Fortunately, you are on the best forum I know of for your question and the answers are readily available after just a few minutes of searching. Tip: check out the FIRST CYCLE ADVICE, it has been posted for long enough that it has been looked over by even the most scrutinizing and informed members. I would tell you but I could leave something out by accident and that would leave me open to the type of ridicule that people who used to ask questions like yours used to get on here. Another tip: everybody who knows will tell you to make sure your diet is dialed in before you are ready to cycle. Depending on the degree to which you "struggle to keep weight on" due to you work your may or not be optimum.
    P.S. 1st cycle advice usually involves test only, test + Anavar , test +...
    Don't search search for those keywords. Search for Newbies, first cycle advice, etc... Thats what I do. Once you have enough knowledge you can post your plan for you first cycle along with your stats. BUT, read the diet, nutrition and other advice.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    I recommend you get blood work done since you have done a cycle with no pct.
    get a base line to start from

  4. #4
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Not to be a jerk but your diet need to be in check first it is clearly not. You are 6 inches taller than me and I out weight by over 40lbs at 11%bf. If you say you can’t keep weight on cause you work in the heat is crap. You don’t eat right is why you can’t keep weight on. So if you run anything and bulk up at all without an extremely proper diet you will just lose whatever you put on yet again. Good luck but your diet need to be in check long before you run any cycle.It is not a magic trick. it should be the finishing touch

  5. #5
    Hitithard is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243 View Post
    Not to be a jerk but your diet need to be in check first it is clearly not. You are 6 inches taller than me and I out weight by over 40lbs at 11%bf. If you say you can’t keep weight on cause you work in the heat is crap. You don’t eat right is why you can’t keep weight on. So if you run anything and bulk up at all without an extremely proper diet you will just lose whatever you put on yet again. Good luck but your diet need to be in check long before you run any cycle.It is not a magic trick. it should be the finishing touch
    Thanks for all of your responses and your honesty. I should of said first and foremost I need help with my diet. I need to do the research for calorie intake based off of my height/weight... How many calories do you eat a day? Ive increased my protein intake to 1.5grams of protein per pound for the past 4wks and ive been in the gym 4xs a week for the past 4wks. I know diet is the key to positive and lasting results... Thanks again guys

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Have you figured your tdee?
    If so what is it?
    Do you know your macro split.

    Have you spent any time in the nutrition section reading stickies and post?

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