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  1. #1
    aeldaly is offline New Member
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    Question 3rd cycle advice - Sust + Deca (and information that may help someone)


    A little background about myself, hopefully it benefits someone.

    Age: 40
    Weight: 180lb
    BF%: ~18%

    I've always had low levels of testosterone and all sorts of related issues, like a libido that's all over the map, ED that comes out of no where (I could be as hard as a rod one second, and not so a minute later), and delayed ejaculation. Ironically, delayed ejaculation is the most frustrating thing about my condition. Countless girls and girlfriends would find it frustrating, thinking they're not sexy or whatever because it would take me forever to ejaculate.

    Coincidentally, it was only before I started reading in depth about my current cycle (Winny, Proviron , Tren ), that I got acquainted with the "wonderful" hormone prolcatin. Prolactin sides fit my condition to the letter. After visiting the doctor, and after confirming with a blood test and an MRI, sure enough, it turns out that I have a pituitary tumour (totally benign, can never turn into anything bad), that's causing my body to produce 3 times the normal amount of prolactin. Figuring this out at 40 caused feelings of relief and a horrible frustration that it took so long to figure it out after years of frustration. Just sharing in case this helps anyone out there. I've complained to countless doctors about the delayed ejaculation problem and no one ever took it seriously.

    I'm active, I've been working out consistently for the past 5 years, eating well and finding nothing but frustration because my body never responds to the workouts. Of course with all that prolactin floating around, and with very low levels of testosterone , my body finds it hard to shed fat and build muscle.

    So I turned to steroids . My first cycle was 8 months ago and it was 9 weeks of sustanon (250mg weeks 1, 2 and 9, 500mg for the rest), followed by PCT of HCG , clomid and nolvadex . I had the most muscular body I've ever had, but I didn't look all jacked, just fit. The change was good, but about 2 months after I stopped the cycle, I had a sudden increase of fat buildup and lost my gains. That points to a ****ed up PCT, I assume, although I did follow the proper process.

    I decided to start a fat cutting cycle to get rid of all that fat. I'm currently on the 5th week my second cycle. I'm taking 1mg/week of Cabergoline to counter my natural prolactin + that from the tren. It's working really well, and now that I've bumped up the tren to 300mg/week, I've also bumped up the caber to 1.5mg/week. So far so good and I'm getting more and more defined.

    FINALLY here's my question:

    After the cycle is over (it's an 8 week cycle), I'd like to start a bulking cycle right away. I know it's supposed to be done the other way round, but for me, it was a lot more important to lose the fat while building muscle. Can't imagine starting a bulking cycle at 20% body fat. I wanted to do a simple sustanon + deca cycle. 12 weeks where:

    Weeks 1-10: 300mg of sust/week, injected EOD + 150mg deca EW
    Weeks 11-12: drop the deca and continue sust
    Regular PCT weeks 15-18: HCG, nolva, clomid

    Is there any issue with having this cycle back-to-back with my current cycle, or do I have to wait a couple of months in between? I'd rather just have them back-to-back if it's ok.

    Also, would it be completely nuts to repeat my current 8-week cycle right after the sust/deca cycle so as to cut after I bulk, moving the PCT cycle to the end of all of those cycles?

    Thanks in advance for your input.

    All the best

    After all this

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    time on + PCT = time off

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    How tall are you? Kronik above nailed it. Also you realize the diet and training have to be even better after the cycle to maintain your gains.

  4. #4
    aeldaly is offline New Member
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    I'm 5'11. So is the recommendation to not get 2 cycles back-to-back?

    So maybe my mistake was not eating as well post-cycle. I went on vacation and stopped eating clean, but did continue to work out, not as hard as during the cycle. Good point to know, I guess.

  5. #5
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes, do 1 cycle, take adequate time off, get bloods done to make sure you've recovered from your previous cycle, then do another...

  6. #6
    aeldaly is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Got it. Thanks

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