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  1. #1
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Grr. Acne flaring back up after PCT

    So its been 4 weeks since the last day of my PCT and im getting some pretty nasty acne again. A little background:

    About 8 weeks into my cycle (Test E 500mg/wk for 12 weeks) I got some bad acne on my stomach, arms, forarms and upper and sides of my back. I did Austinites protocol and it cleared it up a bit but it never really cleared up until i was in my PCT. During my PCT it cleared up to the point that it all was almost gone. Well, now it is back and its pretty nasty. Instead of it being little pimples it is the big painful ones, a few on my right arm (big ones) hardly any on my right arm(weird right? I had gotten a full 1/2 sleeve tattoo 1 week ago). and a few on my stomach, a lot on the sides of my back and my upper back.

    I am now starting to get them on my face too, which did not even happen while ON cycle, my face was VERY clear the whole time. Big painful ones that never really seem to come to a head they are just big and hard.

    Any advice or remedies at this point gents? This is VERY discouraging :/.

    Im currently doing Austinites protocol, at max dosage even past a week. Using neutrogena salysilic acid body wash 2x a day, and following it with a 2% benzol peroxide face wash on my face and problem areas on my body in my evening shower. In the evening, around 6 PM I apply a diluted apple cider vinager solution to the areas and follow that with 100% aloe vera gel, i also do this just before bed.

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    But it is hard enough on the body that I wouldn't do it with anything else including alcohol. It'll clear it up and last.

  4. #4
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    You mean accutane?

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Accurane worked very well for me. I flare up in and after oct the worst also. Here's what I would recommend

    Start tanning! It'll help dry them out and it'll cover the redness and make them harder to see.

    Also I believe austinite has a thread on OTC supps that will decrease acne.
    I know B5 and Zinc. But I can't think I dosing offhand

  6. #6
    toppinm's Avatar
    toppinm is offline Junior Member
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    Retin-a is a cream. The same thing happened to me once I got off cycle acne flared on my chest and arms where it had never been before. I saw a doctor for it and filled him in on my steroid use . The problem is internal due to a hormone inbalance left by your use. Currently I'm on antibiotics and will be using accutane if it dosent clear up all the way. I don't think using any special remedies will help, you need to see a doctor. If you want to take a risk, accutane is just as easy to get online as steroids .

  7. #7
    1gearhead is offline New Member
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    Ive done very well with using tea tree oil..... also a long soaking bath with a cup and a half of bleach to full tub of water works wonders for me.... bleach can burn so using more isnt better...

  8. #8
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Afternoon gents, thanks for the responses.

    I am already on Aistinites protocol, no idea how bad it would be if I havent been on it for weeks already.
    I am quite tan, though currently I can't get too much sun due to a new tattoo that takes up 1/2 my arm. and ill be getting more work on it in 2 weeks (and i have some zits coming up in the spots where i will need the work... **** >.<)
    The tanning helped, but not by much, im still getting the big bad painful red ones.

    I have tried every OTC remeedy, i have tried Retin-A in the past but it did not do much for me. I will go ahead and grab me some accutane from MP Research Supply (anyone heard of them?)

    Anything I should be taking in comjuction with the accutane, and how long should I take it at what dose? I have Essential Forte Liver Protection on hand, i can get different stuff if need be as well

  9. #9
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    If you're gonna take accurane it's very liver harsh. Look into NAC. It's about the best thing out there

  10. #10
    uoflcards's Avatar
    uoflcards is offline Junior Member
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    Do these flareups with AAS only occur if your acne prone like had trouble when you when in your teens? First time cycler here. Is it more back/shoulder acne or facial acne as well?

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Did you run hcg ? Acne is from un-stable hormones.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  12. #12
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Sure did. 250iu 2x week since day 1

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