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  1. #1
    crashfirepm53 is offline Associate Member
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    hypothetical tren, test questions.

    So you've done tren ace and test cyp cycles in the past. You know The sides that you experienced before like night sweat, tren cough etc. This time around (different brands) no sweats at all or sleep issue, no tren cough anr no massive back acne actually none at all.
    Im making pretty good gains but my mind tbinks it could or should be better. Also the tren that ive seen tends to have a darker whiskey look
    I'm not bad mouthing the product,

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    If you're making gains just thank yourself lucky you're not copping the sides with it, no sides are good sides.. What is your complete cycle?

    as far as acne goes I have only ever got acne when my levels have been up the shit by not running an ai, tren cough is bs, and night sweats and insomnia can be on/off depends on your dosage, as long as you're seeing gains.that can't be solely attributed to the test then all is good.

  3. #3
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Tren Cough: This has nothing to do with Tren and can happen with any injectable steroid . People started calling it Tren cough because it can be a little more intense with Tren if it occurs.

    Side Effects: Side effects have zero to do with the quality of your gear. And yes, I'm speaking of negative side effects. Wanted to clarify for the retard who always likes to point out good side effects are also side effects. I know a lot of people here talk about the horrific side effects of Tren but there are plenty of people who use it without insomnia or night sweats and all that.

    Color: The color of your Tren has nothing to do with the quality. The color is based on the oil that's used to mix it. If it has an orange tint it was mixed with sesame oil, a dark brown tint it was mixed with grape seed oil, if it's mostly clear it was mixed with cottonseed oil, etc. etc.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Tren Cough: This has nothing to do with Tren and can happen with any injectable steroid . People started calling it Tren cough because it can be a little more intense with Tren if it occurs.

    Side Effects: Side effects have zero to do with the quality of your gear. And yes, I'm speaking of negative side effects. Wanted to clarify for the retard who always likes to point out good side effects are also side effects. I know a lot of people here talk about the horrific side effects of Tren but there are plenty of people who use it without insomnia or night sweats and all that.

    Color: The color of your Tren has nothing to do with the quality. The color is based on the oil that's used to mix it. If it has an orange tint it was mixed with sesame oil, a dark brown tint it was mixed with grape seed oil, if it's mostly clear it was mixed with cottonseed oil, etc. etc.
    Could not be said better.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject
    Tren Cough: This has nothing to do with Tren and can happen with any injectable steroid . People started calling it Tren cough because it can be a little more intense with Tren if it occurs.

    Side Effects: Side effects have zero to do with the quality of your gear. And yes, I'm speaking of negative side effects. Wanted to clarify for the retard who always likes to point out good side effects are also side effects. I know a lot of people here talk about the horrific side effects of Tren but there are plenty of people who use it without insomnia or night sweats and all that.

    Color: The color of your Tren has nothing to do with the quality. The color is based on the oil that's used to mix it. If it has an orange tint it was mixed with sesame oil, a dark brown tint it was mixed with grape seed oil, if it's mostly clear it was mixed with cottonseed oil, etc. etc.
    Has more to do with the oxidation than carrier oil but agree with message from post

  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    its possible you didnt get tren ... could just be test...

    but other wise, i wouldn't be complaining about no sides...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    When I brewed my own Tren it was really dark almost brown. When I pinned it I could taste the Tren in my mouth and the cough was almost immediate.

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