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  1. #1
    JoeTheBro is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Exclamation steroids and or HGH for growth, please help

    Hello, my name is Joe and I am from NJ. I am turning 19 in one month and am 5'6" and 170 lbs. My father is 6' and my mother is 5'1". It is becoming more and more evident to me that I am one of the shortest guys I know. I went to a doctor last week to get prescribed HGH but he did not give it, partially because I have a bone age of 18, and after some questions, admittingly for economic reasons as well. It is worth it to mention that I can grow a fill beard and personally believe I have naturally high test levels.

    I would really like to maximize whatever growth I have left and gain a few inches. Many girls are my height or taller, and ideally I would be taller than my future wife. Do u think I will continue growing? I have grown maybe a half inch in the past six months so I don't think my growth plates have fused.

    What steroids do u recommend I take to grow taller? I have never taken any steroids before and I am decently muscular already so muscle growth is not a main concern. Please help I appreciate any suggestions. My time is limited in terms of getting taller so I am willing to try anything.

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    In a word "NONE"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    You'd more likely cease ur growth not increase it.

  4. #4
    JoeTheBro is offline New Member
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    Alright, do u think its worth it to take HGH though? Considering I'm almost 19

  5. #5
    laser's Avatar
    laser is offline Junior Member
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    Dude, I am 5'7" I always like the taller I always looked young for my age, and still do. You should not let stuff like that get you down. You could damage to yourself messing around on that stuff......Just check out the exercise threads, and get on a good exercise program, it will help you more than you know.

  6. #6
    JoeTheBro is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your thoughts laser. I actually have a very good exercise program and have been working out for four years now. I am one of the most impressive guys (not including football players) on my campus. Getting girls isn't a problem either. However as time goes on, the societal norm is for the guy to be taller. Girls wanna see someone that's not just strong and muscular but also has an impressive stature height wise. That's just how it is and we can't change that.

    My main question I suppose is this. Will I continueto grow for a few more years and if so is HGH a good supplement?

  7. #7
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    if you are going to do anything then the first thing you need is to get an xray of your hand(fingers/wrist), that way it can be determined accurately if you have stopped growing. If your plates have closed then there is nothing you can do, if they havent then you have some options to consider.

    human growth hormone is the primary drug prescribed for short statue or dwarfism. then there is oxandrolone, a steroid designed for osteporosis for example, it has also been effectively used. Growth hormone is safer than oxandrolone, it does not require other chemicals for you to function normally before and during use, and should threaten your endocrine system far less. There is a problem though, growth hormone and oxandrolone by legitimate brands are hard to come by and very expensive. A single unit of GH could cost up to 25$ and a single pill of 5mg Anavar cost 20$. Oxandrin is cheaper but not by much. Growth hormone is also a chemical that cannot be cooked up in some bathtub like many underground made steroids , if one has the money for the setup and machinery to create GH then they would afford to be a medium drug manufacturer with a legitimate name... nothing of this comes cheap, if it does then it is not real. All legitimate growth hormone brands have serial numbers on their product that you can match up on their website.

    but still, if you have high test and you arent very tall why not just get into weightlifting, i would love to be shorter it is much harder to maintain a muscular and flexible body when you are taller.

    what are you willing to risk to possibly become a bit taller?

  8. #8
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Jan 2013
    Honestly, gh could help you grow taller, but might not .

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