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  1. #1
    bigstack88's Avatar
    bigstack88 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2013

    end of week one dbol test cycle!

    Feeling pumped!

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ID:	142144

  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Is there a question here?

  3. #3
    bigstack88's Avatar
    bigstack88 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2013
    Ahh wrong section. My bad. I always do this

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    head to the nutrition section

  5. #5
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal
    head to the nutrition section
    Looking at your picture, this is a solid advice^^^

    sorry buddy!

  6. #6
    onetwonine is offline Banned
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    Jul 2013
    nice work. ignore negativity.

  7. #7
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by onetwonine View Post
    nice work. ignore negativity.
    It is not negative it is positive sold good advice. If you were walking toward a cliff should I say stop or encourage you to walk off even though it will probably not end to well for you? Not to be a jerk but have you seen his picture this guy should have never touched aas. He is clearly in no way near his genetic limits ready to do any cycle. Also his diet is horrible by the way is physic looks this is obvious. Telling him to work on his diet is very good advice you should not encourage a clearly poor decision.

  8. #8
    onetwonine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243 View Post
    It is not negative it is positive sold good advice. If you were walking toward a cliff should I say stop or encourage you to walk off even though it will probably not end to well for you? Not to be a jerk but have you seen his picture this guy should have never touched aas. He is clearly in no way near his genetic limits ready to do any cycle. Also his diet is horrible by the way is physic looks this is obvious. Telling him to work on his diet is very good advice you should not encourage a clearly poor decision.
    He didn't ask for nutrition advice, or any advice for that matter. Nobody knows his food intake, or goals. So its garbage "advice" at that.

    If I saw someone walking toward a cliff I'd assume his sanity and mind my own business. Maybe there's something at the edge he wants to see, or maybe he wants to jump off, either way its his decision to make, not mine.

    You know as well as I do what's implied when someone is told to go the nutriton section after he posts a picture. They mean that he is doing something wrong and is too skinny or something along those lines. I think thats negativity, i'm comfortable sticking to my opinion. There is no need for it. The man is on his first week of dbol /test and is feeling pumped, now I dunno why he posted, but good for him. Why bring him down?

    Contrary to belief around here there is no bodyweight you need to attain before hopping on cycle, steroids are routinely given to cancer patients to prevent them from wasting away. The only thing you may be short changing are your GAINZZZ, and unless you're a bodybuilder I just don't see why that's important. This is a steroid forum, not a bodybuilding forum, I for one couldn't care less if I maxed out my natural potential first.
    Last edited by onetwonine; 07-26-2013 at 09:27 PM.

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