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  1. #1
    Wannagethuge21 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Need steroid Help

    So I have been looking at other forums for a while. There are other people that are 16 and want to use steroids . i know that i should be in my high twenties before any aas. At first i was think of tren but that just is too much for me. Then i thought sustanon 250. I decided i dont want to be on hrt for life. Then i looked a anabol and d-bol but those are just water retention and gyno. So now i have 5ml/250mg Winstrol

    I'm 16
    172 lbs
    im guessing %15 body fat

    So i have a total of 1250 mg of Winstrol (stanozolol ) Should i take 50 or 100 mg ever day or every other day?
    Since im only 16 and probably have lots of testosterone i don't really think i need a high dose. I'm also going to change my diet and get 250g of protein daily throught chicken breasts and a protein shake with each meal. So should i take 50mg or 100mg?

  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Sep 2012
    A don't even think your old enough to be on here never mind using aas

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Your account will be suspended till you are 18. Please take advantage of reading the material her, especially the young and the steroids thread.

  4. #4
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Seems like everyone wants to be arnold these days

  5. #5
    Wannagethuge21 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    its really frustrating when lots of people are benching 225 and then there's me doing 110

  6. #6
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    It's easy buddy, eat, and stick to a training regime. Don't expect to swell up in a month or two and look like & be a total stud. This is a lifestyle, not a hobby you do a couple days a week. And if you're genetics are working against you, you just have to work that much harder, and if you don't have the dedication to get some natty gains & wait a few years to see it develop, you have no place here or in a weight room IMO.

  7. #7
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wannagethuge21 View Post
    its really frustrating when lots of people are benching 225 and then there's me doing 110
    they worked their ass off to bench that .u should be happy with what u got and work harder to achieve what u want.results comes slowly with hard work and dedication .steroids are not the shortcut to gain strength they ll work when u ll be on but when you are of 225 comes back to 185 and you are 16 who knws if u ll get ur dick up or not after that one cycle . I have seen a guy 15 yr old nd was messed up with only orals in a 6 week cycle

  8. #8
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannagethuge21 View Post
    its really frustrating when lots of people are benching 225 and then there's me doing 110
    And how long have you been training consistently. And how long have they. What is your body weight and what is there's ...crazy mike

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