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  1. #1
    superstar90 is offline New Member
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    Critique my third cycle!

    Hey everyone,

    Needing everyones opinion on my next cycle!

    I am 92kg, 15% bf, 23 years old.
    Two previous cycles consisting of test e only at 600mg per week.

    Week 1-12 test prop, 100mg EOD (although this may change to 500mg test enth due to source issues. In this case, I will run it for three weeks prior to commencing the Tren )
    Week 1-8 Tren Ace, 100mg EOD

    Week 1-8 Prami, 0.25mg ED (increase to 0.5mg if necessary)
    Week 1-12 Arimidex 0.5mg ED

    Week 12-14 (10 days leading up to SERM treatment) HCG at 500iu ED
    Week 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20

    Any suggestions? Want to keep it as simple as possible! Thanks everyone.
    Last edited by superstar90; 07-29-2013 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Don't run prop past 10, preferably 8, and why so quick to hop on the tren train?

  3. #3
    superstar90 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcarey32 View Post
    Don't run prop past 10, preferably 8, and why so quick to hop on the tren train?
    I always thought it was better to run your test a couple weeks longer than your tren just so you don't conpletely come off everything at once?

    In regards to doing the tren, I honestly just feel like its time to give it a go and see how my body tolerates it. I'm not a huge dabbler when it comes to AAS; I always stick to basics.... But I figured I would give it a go.

  4. #4
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    I think you are too young for the cycle. However you are running the HCG wrong it should be run 250ius twice a week 3.5 days apart starting you 1st week run all the way though your cycle up until 3 days before your PCT starts. So 1-12 in your case 250ius twice a week.

  5. #5
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcarey32 View Post
    Don't run prop past 10, preferably 8, and why so quick to hop on the tren train?
    can I ask why bro?...I know its a short ester and mostly used in shorter cycles but there is no "rule" as to how long you can run prop as long as you don't mind being a pin cushion...

  6. #6
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Prop shuts you down immediately, and it just makes recovery much much harder due to the duration of hpta suppression.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcarey32 View Post
    Prop shuts you down immediately, and it just makes recovery much much harder due to the duration of hpta suppression.
    buddy, your going to get shut down either way my you think it will be any easier to recover from 8-10 weeks of prop then 12?...maybe for you but ive done cycles of just test e and of just prop and recovery was about the same for me with proper pct protocols regardless of the duration....just saying in my experience...I think people overthink this stuff sometimes and let bro science prevail...

  8. #8
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Whatever works for you man, I've ran it at 8 & 10 & did notice a difference during pct.

  9. #9
    tgunn's Avatar
    tgunn is offline Junior Member
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    I'd hold off on the tren if I were you.. Do you have a stressful job? Do you drink? It will change you. Especially at your age.. I hope your a true 15% too because if not your sides will be even worse my friend! Just my 2 cents..

  10. #10
    superstar90 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgunn View Post
    I'd hold off on the tren if I were you.. Do you have a stressful job? Do you drink? It will change you. Especially at your age.. I hope your a true 15% too because if not your sides will be even worse my friend! Just my 2 cents..
    My job is relatively stressful (I work in Sales) but its nothing too crazy ie. neurosurgery and no I do not drink.

    I am going to be cutting from now until November to ensure I am as lean as possible.

  11. #11
    tgunn's Avatar
    tgunn is offline Junior Member
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    I'm in sales too.. Almost lost my job. Why not just run test at higher dosage? Check out jack87's clen /t3 cycle for an awesome cutter.. Run your test higher with that stack and you should yield great results..
    As long as your diet and training are in order.
    Let these vets respond though, they will be more help than I.

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