I know this must be such a common question but I have done a fair bit of research by my situation is a little unique and as much as you can ready its very difficult to customise something without real experience so I'm hoping some members may be able to share theirs.

I've done about 3 cycles in my life, they were mostly sus250/dbol and spread out over many years. The last cycle I did was over 5 years ago, I am 34.

I am a lightweight, at 77kg and 178cm height. 6 months ago I was in the peak cardio fitness of my life and I have let myself go since then and am travelling overseas for a few weeks in October. I have since started training again and have shed most of my excess fat and am quickly realising my past fitness.

Basically the purpose of this cycle is to quickly bring me into best possible condition for my trip (making big gains is not my primary objective), and during my trip I can't dose so I need to use esters that will last me through the trip and maintain that test mentality while travelling.

I don't want to splurge all my spending money on many different supplements so I was thinking of just 1 x 10ml sus250 and 1x10ml TREN 100mg/ml

and something like this leading up to my trip (qty in ml) :-

Week 1 (mon wed thurs)
sus 0.5ml EOD

Week 2 (mon wed thurs)
sus 1ml EOD

Week 3 (mon wed thurs)
sus 1ml EOD
TREN 0.3ml EOD

Week 4 (mon wed thurs)
sus 0.6ml EOD
TREN 0.5ml EOD

Week 5 (mon wed thurs)
sus 0.3ml EOD
TREN 0.5ml EOD

Week 6 (mon wed thurs)
TREN 0.3ml EOD

Week 7 travel

Week 8 Travel

Week 9 Travel

Week 10 Return

Training will consist of 5 days cardio (running/grunts/planks/situps/pushups/rowing) per week and 3 days free weights per week.

Any thoughts?