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Thread: # of cycle and your hair

  1. #1
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    # of cycle and your hair

    Im wondering how much of you still have a head full of hair?

    Whats your head look like with the number of cycle you have done??

    It may reassure some people or scared them. Depending on how you look.

    I know genetic plays a big role in that so I would like you to add some brief history of you genetic.

    Ex: my dad still has plenty of hair at 55, my oldest uncle at 64 beging to lose some. One grandfather who died to 93 still had a bit of hair.
    My other grandfather at 75 still have alot.
    So I guess that Im not geneticly prone to be bald.

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Hair thread nnumber one million and one.

    Use of AAS can and will cause hair loss.
    If your this concerned do not use steroids or get a very expensive rug as the cheap one look like crap

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think you misunderstood the goal of this thread.

    I want experienced people tell real experience and concret result on their hair.

    We all know that aas can and eill cause hair loss, but like you said their is a tons of thread on hair loss.

    By telling how different type of hair react to a X number of cycle may gives a global idea of how their hair will react to steroids .

    If I have done 10 cycle and still have full hair at 40. Then someone with same or close genetic could expect the same.

    If im bald at 21 after one cycle then people in the same situation may expect the same.

    All im saying is. "Genetic will determine how you react" is not a suficient answer.
    Real story and real result worth more than a vague sentence.
    People will associate their situation to other who have luved the same issue. So they will be most likely to take the right descision is the prevent or let it go.

    Sry if you misinterpret it. But this thread is not about me.

    Exemple: a dude came here with the symptoms that look ligh a very high aromatization issue. He didnt listen to anyone because no one had the same issue. Someone enter the tread and told him that he had this issue and explain how to fix it and suddently he listened.

    Having someone to relate to is a strong tool to help him doing it the right way.

    I don't care how you judge the importance of the scalp but for some its a real worry.
    So this kind of comment do not help anyone.
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  4. #4
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I have extremely thick hair and I use tren and mast all the time. Ill never go bald.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    I have extremely thick hair and I use tren and mast all the time. Ill never go bald.
    Lucky you, does you relatives have the same type of hair??

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Genetics play every role. If you're not prone to MPB, you won't lose hair. As for how many cycles, this can't quantified. Some folks lose hair from one cycle. Others, several cycles...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Numerous cycles and I have hair like a fkn Chia Pet! Everyone else in my family is balding.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^ yep. If AAS caused hair loss in everyone we'd all be bald.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    I've noticed a little hair loss up front but nothing major yet.

  10. #10
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq

    Lucky you, does you relatives have the same type of hair??
    My grandad died at 85 with hair like a teenager. I'm assuming I caught that gene

  11. #11
    agent88's Avatar
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    Im 28. First pin cycle as we speak. Have done plenty of var and dbol cycles. Shed like a maniac. Brother is 26 bald. I have been on and off propecia for a few years. I use a laser comb. If you saw me I still have a full of hair but it is thinning. The gear will eventually overcome if your prone to mpb. I dont care if its just var and you take propecia. Gear will destroy your hair. Some gear effects dht levels some gear effects FSH hormone. Ive had accepted my fate and would rather b huge and bald then not. Hence why I crossed over to the darker side of gear. In with the mass out with the hair.

  12. #12
    agent88's Avatar
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    On the sauce you lucky m f er lol

  13. #13
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    wife complains HOW THICK my hair is, 3 cycles in lifetime. none back to back. never used tren , but have used drol.

  14. #14
    OverTraineD is offline New Member
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    I've heard that baldness comes from the mothers genes not the fathers. I'm 28 yrs old and almost completely bald, started when I was just 16. My father and bros all still have hair and show no signs of Mpb. My uncles from my moms side however are both losing their hair so I think there is some truth to it.

  15. #15
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Numerous cycles and I have hair like a fkn Chia Pet! Everyone else in my family is balding.
    0.0 interesting

    I imagine at your first cycle like: ok hair, ill miss you but that for the greater good!!

    Some cycle later: well you are still there...

  16. #16
    Whiteboyy0 is offline Associate Member
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    Anybody ever use nizoral shampoo? It's an anti fungal and topical dht blocker. I use it for dandruff and it can help with mpb. Wonder if it gets absorbed in the bloodstream though that'd be trouble
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  17. #17
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OverTraineD View Post
    I've heard that baldness comes from the mothers genes not the fathers. I'm 28 yrs old and almost completely bald, started when I was just 16. My father and bros all still have hair and show no signs of Mpb. My uncles from my moms side however are both losing their hair so I think there is some truth to it.
    Interesting ill research a bit about it.

  18. #18
    toilet is offline Banned
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    in for responses...

    about to start first cycle but I love my hair too much there is no way I want to lose it

  19. #19
    avl is offline New Member
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    the way i see it cycling produces hair loss via DHT or DHT-alog production. All people (men and women) have 5AR-2 enzymes localised to their hair follicles in their scalp, the number, localisation pattern and concentration of those 5AR-2 enzymes will decide the level of balding in men, from none to very fast, the only reason women do not bald is because they have no testosterone (or not much) for these enzymes to act upon.

    When on cycle - lets assume test only for simplicity - if you're running 500mg a week that's probably about 8 times your normal test production. Which is 8 times the activity of those 5AR-2 enzymes localised to your scalp. So if you run that level of test for 3 months it makes sense that to your hair that's the equivalent of 2 years of DHT, essentially you age your hair pattern by 2 years. So if you're 20 and starting to lose your hair then 2 years could very well cost you a significant amount of hair whereas if youre 30 with minimal hair loss, chances are 12 weeks of test isnt going to do too much.

    The exception to the rule here is people who have always had low test and or low dht because a cycle is going to effect them more strongly (if you only produce 30mg of test a week and not much of that gets converted to DHT 12 weeks could be more like a decade of hair pattern aging). You can see how if someone like this were to start takign a gram of test a week along with some winstrol or dbol or something that they could infact go completely bald very quickly, this wont happen for most people though. This is a similar kind of effect to what would happen if you gave women testosterone after not having any most of their life, those prone to it would lose their hair very quickly but most would only do so slowly/ in limited places.

    Basically you're just going to have to suck it and see, if you run a low dose test only cycle for your first run, like 350-400mg for 10-12 weeks youre not going to go totally bald from that and then you can assess the damage if any and decide if you want to run further cycles / use finasteride with your cycles etc etc.

    Personally my father was very bald by 22 and i probably have his test and dht producing levels however i have my mothers 5AR2 enzymes (these are sex linked on the x chromosome) so im going to bald in her fathers pattern (I'm 27 and infact i think im starting to do so, he had minimal recession at temples but a small area of balding at the crown which i seem to be very gradually copying). Not sure if ill take finasteride, maybe on future cycles i will, and ill probably limit hair harsh anabolics but im not really as traumatised by the idea of losing my hair as I was when i was 19-20 and panicking that i was going to end up like my dad. As you get older your priorities change and when people around you are balding too it really becomes much less of a big deal.

    Man that ended up being a long post
    Last edited by avl; 08-06-2013 at 06:13 AM.
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  20. #20
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Started juicing at 18. Knew little to none about proper AAS use up until I was about 23. My friend noticed my hairline receding around age 21. Took about 5 years to get to the point where I said fck it and just shave it. Dad was bald. Not sure when he went bald. Grandfather was bald too. My brother starteded balding around 25/26. He's been taking propecia for the past 10+ years so he still has his hair. I definitely think AAS sped up my hairloss. I've got the classic horse shoe pattern. I don't give a shit. I'm still a mandime

  21. #21
    toilet is offline Banned
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    Interesting post...I thought they had discounted the theory that you inherited hair genetics from your mothers dad? How else do you explain variances between male siblings (my dad is nearly 60 and isn't bald but his brother went bald at 25).

    Anyhow; do you happen to know the effects of finisteride on that process. Supposedly on cycle your dht levels are elevated x 7 what they would normally be. Finisteride is meant to block 70% of dht for those at normal levels... Do you know it it would still block 70% of dht when the dht is much more elevated? I guess the answer to that depends on how the medication works but I can't find any data.

    Of course finisteride has been known to completely suppress some people's dht production for life... But the sexual sides don't really bother me because they aren't permanent so will probably use that and nizoral for first cycle... Just want to know if that will block hair loss completely

  22. #22
    avl is offline New Member
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    No the androgen receptor gene is carried on the x chromosome and its a recessive variant of this that causes aggressive hairloss in men. and as you only have one x chromosome and it's from your mother it has to be from her side of the family. There are lots of other factors and likely lots of non sex linked genes that also contribute though which would explain the variance seen.

    Yes finasteride will block the production of DHT on cycle. Probably to a similar extent (so 70% less than the 7x more, so it'll still be raised, just much closer to normal than otherwise). Increasing the dosage of finasteride is not advised though because testosterone is not the only steroidal hormone that is alpha reduced, a number of neurosteroids are also reduced by 5AR enzymes and screwing with those is what's thought to cause some of the depressive and low libido symptoms seen by some guys taking fina.

    If you look at the dosing studies 0.5mg of finasteride halved DHT levels for several days, to minimise sides id recommend 0.5mg eod for the duration of your cycle. This should slow down any hairloss and also avoid the nastier side of finasteride.

    Off cycle 1mg of finasteride a day should pretty much block hair loss completely, yes, but i personally wouldnt take it on a regular basis.
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  23. #23
    toilet is offline Banned
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    Hmm... Few other points i have thought of

    In your above post you stated that 500mg a week is about 8 times your normal test production. Whilst this may be true the more test you inject doesn't always equate to higher test levels at an even rate...

    So what I mean by this is lets say someone on trt injects 100mg a week to render a high natural range of say 800 ng/dl... Yet someone on cycle of say 500mg would have about 2500 ng/dl... Thus the amount of test injected doesn't equate to levels being raised evenly based on the amount injected

    So basically where I'm going is say as a healthy young male your test level is 800 ng/dl and then on cycle it's 2500 ng/dl that is only just over 3 times normal despite having injected 5 times what you'd normally have. So yeah shouldn't dht levels only go up 3 fold and not like 8 fold... Is there any science on this? Or was the above your theorising

    Because if it's only 3 fold and you take fina to block say a third of it then you are only losing hair double as fast and not say 8 times or whatever it was you mentioned in your post

  24. #24
    toilet is offline Banned
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    Oh and also i heard that if you don't notice sexual sides on fina within the first month or so then you are unlikely to get any,.. And even if you do get some and fry your dht levels into the ground and get off it and can never get a boner again that's not the end of the world.,. Just hop on trt for life and your dick will work just fine and the exogenous test will produce dht for you

  25. #25
    avl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toilet View Post
    Hmm... Few other points i have thought of

    In your above post you stated that 500mg a week is about 8 times your normal test production. Whilst this may be true the more test you inject doesn't always equate to higher test levels at an even rate...

    So what I mean by this is lets say someone on trt injects 100mg a week to render a high natural range of say 800 ng/dl... Yet someone on cycle of say 500mg would have about 2500 ng/dl... Thus the amount of test injected doesn't equate to levels being raised evenly based on the amount injected

    So basically where I'm going is say as a healthy young male your test level is 800 ng/dl and then on cycle it's 2500 ng/dl that is only just over 3 times normal despite having injected 5 times what you'd normally have. So yeah shouldn't dht levels only go up 3 fold and not like 8 fold... Is there any science on this? Or was the above your theorising

    Because if it's only 3 fold and you take fina to block say a third of it then you are only losing hair double as fast and not say 8 times or whatever it was you mentioned in your post

    well it depends, the natty guy with 800ng/dl only has that level during certain times of day, natural testosterone production varies quite dramatically. If a guy had 800ng/dl 24/7 they would be producing far more than the standard 60mg/week test that a guy produces, probably closer to double that.

    This is why when taking test sometimes levels are not as high as you'd think they should be from the amount taken, 60mg natural vs 420mg or so after ester weight is 7-8 times but peak levels are unlikely to hit 3000 with that amount which is still only 4 times your peak natural t. Also i forgot to take into account the weight of the ester before, and then other stuff like SHBG increase from estro etc.

    Its up to you with the fina, i mean presumably it's actually pretty safe and those side effects are rare and mostly reversible. But making your dick not work - permanently, is pretty much the worse side effect its possible for a drug to have for a guy, other than making your head randomly explode or something.

  26. #26
    toilet is offline Banned
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    hmm yeah i was never going to take a high dose... but I heard even if your dick doesnt work permanently if you get on TRT that fixes it? i.e the reason your dick wouldnt work would be because your DHT level is compeltely tried.... get on exogenous test = DHT production goes back up = dick works again?

    just means a life long commitment to TRT

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