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Thread: NPC BB Advice Please

  1. #1
    bambam321 is offline New Member
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    NPC BB Advice Please

    Hey guys,

    Im a NPC competitor in bodybuilding, competed twice and won both. I have made many connections in the gym, mostly with older competitors and nationally ranked bodybuilders who all say I will become pro one day.

    With that said, I have been natural my entire life, but I have a dream to become a professional and realize the aas I will eventually need to experiment with.

    I keep reading that no one should cycle until 25, but all the pros I aspire to become have all done aas before that age. Im not a normal 'first time' user who doesn't know a lick about anything. I have done my research throughout the years. My diet is on point, my training is on point, my lifestyle is on point. I am 20, can go anywhere from 195 lb (5'9) 4.5-5% BF to 230 lb 10-12% BF.

    I am at the age where I have to either take 5 years off competing to build up and then start aas or start soon and compete with the big boys.

    Ultimately my goal is to become a high ranking professional. Health is not as important, but I want to have kids and do not want to be on dialysis or crazy treatment the rest of my life. I want to do this the right way, but in the most efficient way possible.

    Thank you for the advice in advanced.


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome. This post has me mind boggled a bit. You want kids, yet health is not important?
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Post a picture and blur your face. 230 at 5'9 is massive at 10%. Especially natty. Never used any orals or something like superdrol? And at 20? Jesus Christ. Congrats on the npc wins. Were they in novice or juniors? Or open?

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce
    Post a picture and blur your face. 230 at 5'9 is massive at 10%. Especially natty. ?
    I agree, but then dropping over 30lbs to drop only 12lbs fat indicates a drastic loss of LBM along the way. Maybe I am reading it wrong.

  5. #5
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    On stage is also heavily dehydrated

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Yeah, but 20lbs worth of water?

  7. #7
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I've dropped 17lbs before.... So yeah it's possible.

  8. #8
    Money Talks is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by _animale_ View Post
    Hey guys,

    Im a NPC competitor in bodybuilding, competed twice and won both. I have made many connections in the gym, mostly with older competitors and nationally ranked bodybuilders who all say I will become pro one day.

    With that said, I have been natural my entire life, but I have a dream to become a professional and realize the aas I will eventually need to experiment with.

    I keep reading that no one should cycle until 25, but all the pros I aspire to become have all done aas before that age. Im not a normal 'first time' user who doesn't know a lick about anything. I have done my research throughout the years. My diet is on point, my training is on point, my lifestyle is on point. I am 20, can go anywhere from 195 lb (5'9) 4.5-5% BF to 230 lb 10-12% BF.

    I am at the age where I have to either take 5 years off competing to build up and then start aas or start soon and compete with the big boys.

    Ultimately my goal is to become a high ranking professional. Health is not as important, but I want to have kids and do not want to be on dialysis or crazy treatment the rest of my life. I want to do this the right way, but in the most efficient way possible.

    Thank you for the advice in advanced.

    Of course if you are not all that serious, I suggest you look at Natural Bodybuilding. Keep in mind that natural bodybuilding is just as much chemical warfare, the only difference is the chemicals that each organization considers to be "natural". It will take you a lot longer to build a significant amount of muscle mass, and you will never be "big", but you can attain a muscular physique, get relatively strong, and probably be pretty healthy. Big for a natural guy is about 185 pounds on stage.

    When you say that you are 195 pounds at 5'9" and 4-5% BF, I am doubting that you are natural, as you would be one of the biggest competitors, even bigger than the natural pros bodybuilders. I am guessing that when you say you are natural, you just mean that you could pass a drug test the day of the show, or that none of the compounds you use are illegal AAS, though you might still use SARMS , pro-hormones, etc.
    Last edited by Money Talks; 08-05-2013 at 07:15 PM.

  9. #9
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Talks

    Of course if you are not all that serious, I suggest you look at Natural Bodybuilding. Keep in mind that natural bodybuilding is just as much chemical warfare, the only difference is the chemicals that each organization considers to be "natural". It will take you a lot longer to build a significant amount of muscle mass, and you will never be "big", but you can attain a muscular physique, get relatively strong, and probably be pretty healthy. Big for a natural guy is about 185 pounds on stage.
    Supposedly he is all natty at 20 and on stage at 200.... At 5'8.....

  10. #10
    Money Talks is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    Supposedly he is all natty at 20 and on stage at 200.... At 5'8.....
    Yeah, it's not likely is it?

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I would strongly consider taking at least another year reading this this forum and other sources to gather as much information as you can on all the variables involved in competition drug use.

    IMHO you will need to start AAS way before 25 to ever become a top ranked pro. However for the 3-4 guys who miss the boat by starting too late, there are many hundreds of guys who start AAS at 18-22 with the plan of becoming a top pro who just wind up another guy with a screwed up HPTA and a few swords and trophies to show for it.

    It takes a ton of dedication and a ton of money to take all the steps needed to make it to a point where you will actually be making serious money bodybuilding, during the next year you will be able to gain the knowledge of exactly what is involved if you want to commit to this goal. Unless you are able to commit both the time and money needed to achieve these goals (and becoming a top pro is your goal) then there is really no point in half measures as half measures will not suffice regardless of you genetic makeup.

    Conversely if you decide you want to jump in enough to get your pro-card and you have the genetics to do this then you will also in a years time have a pretty solid idea of all the risks involved in competing at this level.

    No one other than yourself can really tell you what to do, the only thing others can do is provide you with the information to make you own educated decision, so approach this like any life changing decision and spend as much time as you can studying all the factors before you decide.

    Anyhow those are my thoughts on the deal.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Very well said FFM. Very.
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  13. #13
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it's cool you have a high goal like that...but even if i had your genes...i don't think i'd go all out for high level BB, pro etc., as awesome as it is(contradictory statement i know) I mean, if anyone has the genes to do well its someone like you, thats very impressive for 20. And not even for the HPTA problems. im young and on TRT, and i dont care that im on bi weekly shots forever, but maybe some people it would bother them.
    And it's not even the liver or kidney problems that would deter me..because i think if your smart you can avoid the truly debilitating liver in kidney problems. But IMHO i don't think you can escape pro BB without some degree of accelarated heart disease. Be honest with yourself and your lipid panels. I know for a fact that anything other than test and deca will affect my lipds too significantly. All the dhts are bad for me, even with an aromatizing androgen with it, fish oils cardio, and low carb low fat, mostly protein cutting diet. How do you eat boring food, do cardio and have shiitty lipids? And when im not on that stuff i can do no cardio eat more fat and carbs and still look decent on paper.
    Not to mention...that big..truly that big, is past the point of being a turn on to women(i know i know, it's not about the women)....and being that big isn't really conducive to being good in bed. Alot of these guys can't even breath or walk far, sweat constantly. Granted, they work out hard, but after that it think they're spent for the day. I don't know, maybe i don't know what im talking about. Not saying i dont respect those guys, but even if i had the genes , idk, i probably wouldn't. I would just see how far i could go amateur, reasonably juice and have fun with it. Thats would i would do. But your not me, your you so idk

  14. #14
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _animale_ View Post
    Hey guys,

    Im a NPC competitor in bodybuilding, competed twice and won both. I have made many connections in the gym, mostly with older competitors and nationally ranked bodybuilders who all say I will become pro one day.

    With that said, I have been natural my entire life, but I have a dream to become a professional and realize the aas I will eventually need to experiment with.

    I keep reading that no one should cycle until 25, but all the pros I aspire to become have all done aas before that age. Im not a normal 'first time' user who doesn't know a lick about anything. I have done my research throughout the years. My diet is on point, my training is on point, my lifestyle is on point. I am 20, can go anywhere from 195 lb (5'9) 4.5-5% BF to 230 lb 10-12% BF.

    I am at the age where I have to either take 5 years off competing to build up and then start aas or start soon and compete with the big boys.

    Ultimately my goal is to become a high ranking professional. Health is not as important, but I want to have kids and do not want to be on dialysis or crazy treatment the rest of my life. I want to do this the right way, but in the most efficient way possible.

    Thank you for the advice in advanced.

    One of the first things that stood out to me was the comment about taking 5yrs off from competing. Guys who bulk non-stop and only worry about growing ultimately end up fat or at least a lot fatter than they should be. In my opinion, even if one year you're not going to compete it's always a good idea to lean down a little bit. You'll also grow better after, but without you'll hit a lot of stagnant points.

    The serious health issues some bodybuilders deal with, I'm sure AAS can play a role to a degree, but the true problems come with massive diuretic abuse, insulin and pain pills. Opiates and things of that nature have been a big problem for a lot of guys because bodybuilding absolutely beats you down into the ground.

    Having kids, most pro bodybuilders have a kid or two if not more. The use of gear can definitely make you sterile, but I believe the fear of it is highly exaggerated. However, when it comes to bodybuilding type gear use, it's impossible to predict where you'll fall. Make HCG your friend if you want to have kids, that's a good place to start.

    When you should start? That's a hard question to answer. I started when I was your age, but it didn't go like I'd hoped it would. 10 years later I had experienced a pec tear (slight but was the most painful thing I can ever remember), a twisted vertebra, enough bone spurs on my shoulders to grate cheese, an inflamed nerve in my neck that still gives me fits to this day and knees and hips that crack with every step killing my dream of being a stealth ninja, lol! My point, it's impossible to predict how it will all play out and that's something you should keep in mind when you're making your decision. If becoming a pro bodybuilder really is your goal, yes you'll probably need to start using gear before 25, but I wouldn't call it a must. You just need to weigh all the factors out, lay it all out there and come to the best decision you can. Try not to let your emotions lead you all the way or you'll make the wrong decision.

    Bodybuilding, I loved it and lived and breathed for it, but it is one of the cruelest, hardest things anyone can undertake physically, mentally and even emotionally. If I had known that before hand, I don't know if I would have done things differently, I can't answer that.

  15. #15
    bambam321 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    Post a picture and blur your face. 230 at 5'9 is massive at 10%. Especially natty. Never used any orals or something like superdrol? And at 20? Jesus Christ. Congrats on the npc wins. Were they in novice or juniors? Or open?
    Do not have any pictures on the computer but when I was 230 i was more likely 13-15%, I was calipered at 5% at 195 but lost a tad bit after that. Never on anything. No aas, PH, Test Boosters. My supplements are isolates and hydrolyzed proteins and sometimes pre workout. It's all about that diet!

  16. #16
    bambam321 is offline New Member
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    Thank you for your response! I will definitely keep all of that in mind!

  17. #17
    bambam321 is offline New Member
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    Thank you! I have been leaning towards waiting until 21, but still am unsure. Like you said, I do not want to miss the boat but I also do not want to burn out.

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Remember to have a "Plan B" going as well.
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  19. #19
    DOSA is offline Associate Member
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    and Plan C...

  20. #20
    bambam321 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Remember to have a "Plan B" going as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by DOSA View Post
    and Plan C...
    They distract you from Plan A

  21. #21
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Very well said FFM. Very.
    Thanks Kelkel

  22. #22
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by _animale_

    They distract you from Plan A
    If that's your logic, don't have a gf or wife. Or friends. All are distracting.

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