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Thread: a couple question...yes ive read the stickies

  1. #1
    wheelkicktotheface is offline New Member
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    a couple question...yes ive read the stickies

    So, i would love some input. I have done my homework but am curious about a few things. As well as consider myself a beginner in this area. My previous 2 cycles include the following. I did a cycle of Deca by itself but I was taking some sort of pro-hormone before they banned them all with it too. Deca was mostly for joint pain and some small gains. I had no sides during the cycle but did follow with a pct that's been 8 years ago. *cough* Also about a year before that did a cycle of test and followed with a pct.

    I've only been back on my diet and in the gym for about 6 weeks. I'm obviously not at a plateau but was curious as to when you think i should start a test / deca cycle. I'm 32 years old 210' 5'10" probably pushing 20% fattyness at the moment. I was hoping to be ready for a fitness comp by September. I havent competed in 8 years now. I also don't want to preemptively do a cycle either. I've read a lot of mixed info on nolva and clomid for pct's especially when using nolva as a pct after deca. Is HCG a must? Should I def do a small dose AI as well? like .25-.50? Or just have it on hand in case i need it ?

    As far as doseages was thinking something along the lines of 200test 125-150 deca on Monday morning then anothe 200test 125-150 deca on thursday night. I have never done a deca/test stack in the past and the two cycles mentioned above are the only ones I have ever done. I was fairly resistant to the deca with sides just made me a little shitty (attitude wise) got pretty strong from it as well. I'm sure it was a combo of the pro-hormones and deca. I love the joint pain relief.

    I'm looking for a fairly basic cycle. Not interested in stacking 4 or 5 different things. Thank you all for the info.I look forward to hearing from you. Prefer responses from people with a lengthy knowledge not just someone whose done one or two cycles and its what worked for them. No offense. How close should I be back to my original size/strength before I even consider it ?

    FYI nothing has been ordered yet so its still a little ways off. Just want to make sure I have everything I need for sure on hand and I'm ready to go. Thanks.
    Last edited by wheelkicktotheface; 08-06-2013 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    My eyes are too old to read that mammoth paragraph.
    -Ender- likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
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    Let me get this straight....

    You just got back on a diet and back to the gym 6 weeks ago.
    You have 20% body fat.
    It's August now.

    And you want to be ready to compete in a fitness competition in September?


  4. #4
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    HCG is recommended for a quicker recovery post cycle. The AI is always recommended to have on hand in case you encounter E2 related sides. Everyone responds as an individual to AAS, some need to make tweaks and changes that others do not.

    As far as the training prior to introduction of test or any other compounds: It is recommended that you are at least 15%bf and you have been training long enough that your connective tissues are conditioned to the point that they can handle the increased strength and mass that a cycle with provide. You should be concerned with injury if moving forward to quickly.
    I would recommend that you take training naturally as far as it will take you before considering adding any compounds. During this time you should focus on diet.

    I also don't subscribe to anything defined as a "light cycle". That is bullshit. You are either on gear or not on gear. Introduction of test or any other compound will shut down your natural testosterone production. You can have a complex cycle with multiple compounds, or a simple cycle with a single compound. Either way you will be making significant changes to your HPTA that are not to be taken lightly.

    I would suggest that when all things are in order with your training, diet, and bodyfat: A test only cycle could be attempted.
    You mentioned shitty sides from a previous cycle; running a single compound will help in dealing with any side effects that may occur.

    Pct of clomid and nolvadex is recommended after all cycles.
    Last edited by -Ender-; 08-06-2013 at 06:47 AM.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender- View Post
    HCG is recommended for a quicker recovery post cycle. The AI is always recommended to have on hand in case you encounter E2 related sides. Everyone responds as an individual to AAS, some need to make tweaks and changes that others do not.

    As far as the training prior to introduction of test or any other compounds: It is recommended that you are at least 15%bf and you have been training long enough that your connective tissues are conditioned to the point that they can handle the increased strength and mass that a cycle with provide. You should be concerned with injury if moving forward to quickly.
    I would recommend that you take training naturally as far as it will take you before considering adding any compounds. During this time you should focus on diet.

    I also don't subscribe to anything defined as a "light cycle". That is bullshit. You are either on gear or not on gear. Introduction of test or any other compound will shut down your natural testosterone production. I would suggest that when all things are in order with your training, diet, and bodyfat: A test only cycle could be attempted.
    You mentioned shitty sides from a previous cycle; running a single compound will help in dealing with any side effects that may occur.

    Pct of clomid and nolvadex is recommended after all cycles.
    This, I can read. And sure as heck sounds like great advice.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    This, I can read. And sure as heck sounds like great advice.
    I even went back and broke it up a little more after reading your post, lol. and thanks!

  7. #7
    wheelkicktotheface is offline New Member
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    Yea I know I need to drop at least 15% body fat in 2 months.. Hoping my great genetics pull through. I'm eating 8 times a day all low fat and sugar intake with high protein.

    I had no plans on trying to introduce a cycle until I get back pretty close to where I was. I'm thinking 3-4 months down the road or so. Yes the competition in September would be great. Maybe not reasonable but would be great. There is another in november or december ill shoot for.

    I greatly appreciate all your comments. I had no sides with either cycle just made me a little irritable and get an attitude a bit easier. So i guess super mild sides. About it.

    Ok. So ill keep the AI on hand enough for the full length of the cycle to take at least .25 daily. Whats recommended dosage of hcg for a 10 week cycle considering my body top? Ill see if I can throw all the money at it I need to. Just trying to keep cost reasonable. Are you also recommending that i don't stack test/deca since its been so long since I've been on a cycle and just stick with a test cycle the first go round ? I have no problem with doing that at all. Just curious as to why. Trying to learn as much as I can. Thank you.

    My apologies for not breaking up my first post. I fixed it.

  8. #8
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    If you are running multiple compounds and have negative side effects: you have no way of knowing what compound is causing the problem.

    By running a test alone you know what is causing the problem. If you didn't have any problems with test/deca previously then you should be fine.

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    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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